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Margin not working on UILayout.BeginVertical("Window")
I'm trying to make a simple GUI using GUILayout.BeginVertical (and GUILayout.EndVertical) and it places the controls I add at the top left corner of the screen.
I want to add a margin so that it's not exactly in the corner. I want to avoid using GUILayout.BeginArea because that requires a width and length and I'm not sure how large the GUI will end up being.
I copied a new GUISkin file from a new project into my existing project to use so that it contains the default settings and not any modified settings.
Then in my script I make a public variable for the GUISkin I copied and renamed and in my code set the GUI.skin = customSkin.
I can then make changes to the GUISkin in the inspector when playtesting and see how the different settings affect the GUI controls.
i can't seem to get the margin to work when placing a GUILayout.BeginVertical("Window Text", "Window").
Part of what I don't understand is that if I place a GUILayout.Label("Label Text") before the GUILayout.BeginVertical("Window Text", "Window") then I CAN change the margin settings of the window in the customSkin and see the changes take place during playtesting.
Why is this?
And is there a way to get the margin for the "Window" control working without using code that requires entering a width or height?
Sorry for the long explanation but I wanted to be as clear as i could.
Here is my code example:
// Date: 2022-01-28
// Info: ...
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraManagerTypeSwitcher : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
public GUISkin customSkin; // Set in inspector.
// private Rect rectBeginArea = new Rect(25, 25, 500, 500); // x, y, w, h
// On GUI
void OnGUI()
GUI.skin = customSkin; // Test changes in inspector during playtesting to see effects.
// GUILayout.BeginArea(rectBeginArea); // Don't want to use this because it uses dimensions.
// GUILayout.Label("Label Text"); // Uncommenting this makes the margin work...why?
GUILayout.BeginVertical("Window Text", "Window");
GUILayout.Label("Label Text");
// GUILayout.EndArea();