Imported scenes not showing up when opened
I am new to unity so the answer might be as simple as checking a box, but i have tried everything. Here's what i have done:
I created 2 scenes in unity in what ill call project A, The scenes themselves are in the Assets folder, and in the assets folder has the palettes folder with all the .prefab and .asset files. Then I needed to move them over to another project called project B.
So I exported the entire palettes folder and the .scene files into one package, then imported it into project B
And when i open Project B the files show up like they should, however when i open a scene it doesn't show up in the scene tab. the hierarchy is just the way it should but clicking on the Tilemap in the hierarchy doesn't display the scene in the scene tab. Again I'm new to unity so the solution might be really simple but when you don't know a lot about unity, the simplest problems take the most time to solve.