Is it simple or is it complex?
I'm trying to make a simple minigame - or I tried to make a simple minigame, but the more I delved into it the less certain I became that it was as simple as I originally thought. It is basically a game where you have to sort a pile according to a specific criteria, I drew a mock-up version of it below... And now I just looking for some feedback from people with more experience than me. Is this simple or complex to create?
It's all relative but I think this is pretty simple if you have some knowledge of coding, I threw together a (badly coded) version with two 'ordering' game modes in about 30 $$anonymous$$s and 150 lines of code.
Answer by PixelDashGames · Aug 11, 2018 at 05:09 PM
No, it shouldn't be. Use vector operations of drag and drop, UnityEngine.Random class for randomicity and several sprites for each block, or, if you like things simple you could have a single white sprite and give it some color, about the order you could use the y positions of each block, pretty simple actually.
Answer by bgprocks · Oct 22, 2018 at 09:09 PM
I agree with the previous posters. This is simple, but has a lot of possible implementation. Drag and Drop, tap-source tap-destination then magically teleport it. is physics on the bricks so if you pull from the bottom the pile will drop, or is the pile just static? As you can see the possibilities are endless. I would suggest you go through one of the Lynda.com Unity game dev courses, or find a free one on YouTube. After some basic training this will take you a couple of hours, if you type slow like me :). Good luck.