Physics.BoxCast not returning a hit when scale too small
Hello, I've got a script that basically flood fills an area with cubes then counts them to approximate volume which is working great for the most part, however when the cube size is small enough, the Physics.BoxCast that I usually use to determine whether the fill has reached a wall doesn't give consistent hits.
The only way I've managed to work around this issue is to scale up the mesh, fill it with cubes and then scale down my result to 'undo' the scale up. Although this seems like a simple enough workaround, it's a real pain to do in the context I need it for and am wondering if there is a better way to get BoxCast accuracy at smaller scales.
I have played around with some of the values such as Default Contact Offset, Default Solver Iterations and few others but no luck with anything other than literally scaling up the mesh.
If anyone could point me in the right direction would really appreciate it :)
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