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SuperCrow2 · Jun 27, 2020 at 06:11 AM ·
2d gameunity 2dplatformercodepagedash
How do I get my character to dash up?
I can only get him to dash left and right, idk how to get him to dash up. I dont think you have to sift through the 500+ line code, I tried to make it super quick and easy for everyone by putting the most important lines, the ones that pertains to the dash below. Ignore the commented out stuff, I had to keep that in there when I posted the script here so I wouldnt confuse myself when it comes time to making the up dash work. The commented out dash stuff you may need.
The lines or sections that has the dash: 142 213 224 247 261
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine;
public class WizardPlayerController : MonoBehaviour
private Renderer rend;
private Color colorToTurnTo = Color.blue;
public float spead;
public float jumpForce = 16.0f; //how high the character jumps
private float movementInputDirection; //the key being pressed down
private float dashTimeLeft; //keep track how much longer the dash should be happening
private float lastImageXpos; //keep track on x coordinate of after image
private float lastDash = -100; //last time we started dash, will be used to check for cool down. -100 so we can dash right when game starts
private float timeLeft; //4 seconds to be off the ground, at the end, drop back down
private float timeLeftSet = 4f; //set our timeLeft at 4 seconds
private float jumpTimer;
private float turnTimer;
private float wallJumpTimer; //this will be part of the code to prevent jumping up a single wall
private int facingDiection = 1; //-1 is left. 1 is right
private int amountOfJumpsLeft;
private int lastWallJumpDirecion; //this will be part of the code to prevent jumping up a single wall
private bool canMove;
private Rigidbody2D rb;
private bool canwallGrab;
private bool isDashing;
private bool dashUp;
private bool facingRight = true;
private bool isGrounded;
private bool canNormalJump;
private bool canWallJump;
private bool isAttemptingToJump;
private bool canFlip;
private bool hasWallJumped; //this will be part of the code to prevent jumping up a single wall
private bool isTouchingWall;
private bool isWallSliding;
private bool checkJumpMultiplier;
public Transform groundCheck;
public float checkRadius;
public LayerMask whatIsGround;
private float moveHorizontal;
private float moveVertical;
public float dashTime; //how long the dash should take
public float dashSpeed; //how fast it moves while dashing
public float distanceBetweenImages; //how far the after image game objects should be placed when dashing (the dash effect, it creates images behind him when he dashes)
public float dashCoolDown; //how long till we can dash again
public float movementSpeed = 10.0f;
public int amountOfJumps = 1;
public float wallSlideSpeed;
public float movementForceInAir; //add force to character as its attempting to move in the air
public float airDragMultiplier = 0.95f;
public float variableJumpHeightMultiplier = 0.5f; //tapping space jumps lower than a full press
public Vector2 wallHopDirection;
public Vector2 wallJumpDirection;
public float wallHopForce;
public float wallJumpFoce;
public float jumpTimerSet = 0.15f;
public float turnTimerSet = 0.1f;
public float wallJumpTimerSet = 0.5f; //this will be part of the code to prevent jumping up a single wall
public float groundCheckRadius;
public float wallCheckDistance;
public Transform wallCheck;
private Vector2 speed;
SavePlayerPosition playerPositionData;
private void Awake()
playerPositionData = FindObjectOfType<SavePlayerPosition>(); //finding the script
void Start()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
wallHopDirection.Normalize(); //vector equals 1. when we specify a force, it will always be the force we speified
amountOfJumpsLeft = amountOfJumps;
private void Update()
private void CheckIfWallSliding()
if (isTouchingWall && movementInputDirection == facingDiection && rb.velocity.y < 0) //rb.velocity.y<0 so our character slides down only when going down not when jumping up the wall
isWallSliding = true;
isWallSliding = false;
private void CheckInput()
movementInputDirection = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
if (isGrounded || (amountOfJumpsLeft > 0 && isTouchingWall))
jumpTimer = jumpTimerSet;
isAttemptingToJump = true;
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Horizontal") && isTouchingWall)
if (!isGrounded && movementInputDirection != facingDiection)
canMove = false;
canFlip = false;
turnTimer = turnTimerSet; //how long to keep it false
if (!canMove)
turnTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if (turnTimer <= 0)
canMove = true;
canFlip = true;
if (checkJumpMultiplier && !Input.GetButton("Jump")) //space bar. pushing spacebar it will return true. if not pressing it, it will return false
checkJumpMultiplier = false;
rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, rb.velocity.y * variableJumpHeightMultiplier); //tapping the jump key he jumps lower
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Dash")) //z button
if (Time.time >= (lastDash + dashCoolDown)) //only dash once cool down is up we can dash again
private void AttemptToDash() //start of the dash
isDashing = true;
//dashUp = true;
dashTimeLeft = dashTime;
lastDash = Time.time;
// }
// else
// {
// dashUp = false;
// }
lastImageXpos = transform.position.x;
private void DashUp()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow))
dashUp = true;
dashTimeLeft = dashTime;
lastDash = Time.time;
lastImageXpos = transform.position.y;
private void CheckDash()
if (isDashing)
if (dashTimeLeft > 0)
canMove = false;
canFlip = false;
rb.velocity = new Vector2(dashSpeed * facingDiection, 0); //facingDirecion,0 is to get him to dash straight (which is what I wanted to happen). using rb.velocity.y caused him to dash up on a curve like thing
dashTimeLeft -= Time.deltaTime;
// if (dashUp == true) //this "if statement" to get him to dash vertically )
// {
// rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x * facingDiection, dashSpeed);
if (Mathf.Abs(transform.position.x - lastImageXpos) > distanceBetweenImages)
lastImageXpos = transform.position.x;
if (dashTimeLeft <= 0 || isTouchingWall)
isDashing = false;
canMove = true;
canFlip = true;
private void CheckJump() //I changed jump() to CheckJump()
if (jumpTimer > 0)
if (!isGrounded && isTouchingWall && movementInputDirection != 0 && movementInputDirection != facingDiection)
WallJump(); //wall jum[
else if (isGrounded)
if(hasWallJumped && movementInputDirection== -lastWallJumpDirecion)
rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, 0.0f);
hasWallJumped = false;
} else if(wallJumpTimer<=0)
hasWallJumped = false;
wallJumpTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
private void NormalJump() //this and the WllJump() section was combined in the Jump() but now called CheckJump()
if (canNormalJump)
rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, jumpForce); //jumpforce is our y velocity
jumpTimer = 0;
isAttemptingToJump = false;
checkJumpMultiplier = true;
private void WallJump()
if (canWallJump) //wall jumping
rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, 0.0f);
isWallSliding = false;
amountOfJumpsLeft = amountOfJumps;
amountOfJumpsLeft--; //subtract from amount of jumps left (i may have to keep this rmeoved, it was causing him to run out of jumps so he couldnt jump anymore
Vector2 forceToAdd = new Vector2(wallJumpFoce * wallJumpDirection.x * movementInputDirection, wallJumpFoce * wallJumpDirection.y);
rb.AddForce(forceToAdd, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
jumpTimer = 0;
isAttemptingToJump = false;
checkJumpMultiplier = true;
turnTimer = 0;
canMove = true;
canFlip = true;
hasWallJumped = true;
wallJumpTimer = wallJumpTimerSet;
lastWallJumpDirecion = -facingDiection;
private void FixedUpdate()
private void CheckSurroundings()
isGrounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheck.position, groundCheckRadius, whatIsGround);
isTouchingWall = Physics2D.Raycast(wallCheck.position, transform.right, wallCheckDistance, whatIsGround);
private void WallGrab()
timeLeft -= Time.deltaTime;
private void TimeInAir() //the time he's not on the ground
private void CheckIfCanJump() //check to see if he can jump
if (isGrounded && rb.velocity.y <= 0.01f)
amountOfJumpsLeft = amountOfJumps;
if (isTouchingWall)
canWallJump = true;
if (amountOfJumpsLeft <= 0)
canNormalJump = false;
canNormalJump = true;
private void ApplyMovement()
if (!isGrounded && !isWallSliding && movementInputDirection == 0) //when we jump straight up, we can't move until it touches ground. //I asusme when movementInoutDirecion==0 that means hes not moving in any direction
rb.velocity = new Vector2(movementSpeed * movementInputDirection, rb.velocity.y);
else if (canMove)
{ //apply the force
rb.velocity = new Vector2(movementSpeed * movementInputDirection, rb.velocity.y);
//Vector2 forceToAdd = new Vector2(movementForceInAir * movementInputDirection, 0);
if (isWallSliding)
if (rb.velocity.y < -wallSlideSpeed)
rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, -wallSlideSpeed);
//if (Mathf.Abs(rb.velocity.x) > movementSpeed)
// rb.velocity = new Vector2(movementSpeed * movementInputDirection, rb.velocity.y);
// }
//I assume when movementInoutDirecion==0 that means hes not moving in any direction
// {
// rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x * airDragMultiplier, rb.velocity.y);//keep y velocicty the same. //slows the guy down
// }
//if (isWallSliding)
// {
//if (rb.velocity.y < -wallSlideSpeed)
// rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, -wallSlideSpeed);
//// }
// }
// }
//(!isGrounded && !isWallSliding && movementInputDirection != 0) //not is grounded and not is wall sliding
private void CheckMovementDirection() //moves him right or left. flips him so he faces the direction he is going in
if (facingRight && movementInputDirection < 0)
else if (!facingRight && movementInputDirection > 0) //because he is moving left while facing right
void ChangeColor()
if (dashCoolDown<=2.0f)
rend.material.color = colorToTurnTo;
private void Flip()
if (!isWallSliding && canFlip)
facingDiection *= -1; //facing left. every time we flip the character it will go back and forth between -1 and 1
facingRight = !facingRight;
transform.Rotate(0.0f, 180.0f, 0.0f); //x, y, z
private void OnDrawGizmos()
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(groundCheck.position, groundCheckRadius);
Gizmos.DrawLine(wallCheck.position, new Vector3(wallCheck.position.x + wallCheckDistance, wallCheck.position.y, wallCheck.position.z));