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Bottom of Sprite Showing the Top of the Sprite below it
This sounds like an issue that'd have an obvious cause, but I think it's something more obscure.
For one, the issue only occurs in the Game Window. In the scene view, it shows correctly. Here is a screenshot of the issue occurring in the game window, along with the settings for the object containing the sprite, the settings of the sprite sheet itself, and the preview window of the sprite assigned as the default sprite, where it is showing correctly.
As you can see, where the arrow is pointing, there is a red line, which is the top of the helmet on the row below in the sprite sheet. I swear I was not having this issue with the same exact sprite file last week. Alas, I tried deleting the sprite asset completely, reimporting and slicing it, to no avail. I've turned off every script on the object, and there's nothing else referencing this object aside from it being the Follow object on Cinemachine's virtual camera. I tried disabling Cinemachine entirely, and that does nothing. I've also restarted Unity after trying all these things, and nothing. I tried clearing the GI Cache as well.
My sprite dimensions are 15wx16h if that matters. Unity Version 2021.2.10f1
No clue what the issue is.
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