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TeaAndCynicism · Aug 19, 2016 at 06:24 AM ·
meshgraphics3d models
Creating a 3D curve?
Hello all. This is a pretty noobish question, but here it goes.
I would like to create a curved ceiling for a room in my thing (think an extended "n" or a hollow, capless half-cyllinder). Is there any easy way to do this within Unity, or am I better off trying to figure out how to do this in Blender and exporting the mesh to Unity instead?
Thank you in advance.
You can either use something from the asset store that does this (not sure if there is any though) or yeah, you're better off with Blender.
I will recommend making it in blender, watch a few tutorials on youtube and you will get the hang of it, being able to use blender is great in 3D game development! :D ( and I recommend you start with creating low poly objects! )