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3ds Max animation import
i am sorry to ask this again as here is many topics on fbx. But i went through all topics and i still couldnt resolve my issue with fbx.
I have model from 3ds max. It has some animations. It works in Max. When i import fbx back to 3ds max, it works. But i am not able to make it work in Unity ( i dont script it ) Just hit play and as far as i know the set animation should automaticly start to play, right ? My model has two dummies which are used to animate the model ( i.e. no bones ). When i export it, i select model and both dummies. In fbx setup i check animation, i use fbx 2011( binary). In Unity i set in fbx scaling to 1 and set the animations to correct frames, with default setting. But when i hit play, nothing happens ( play automaticaly is checked ). Iam totaly lost what is happening as i dont know what else i should try or what am i missing. I tried to use bones instead dummies, it didnt work either.
Thanks for any help.
well, i wanted to do more fancy animations, so i had to use dummies. But i did some test wiht just animated box, didnt work either :/
If you have everything in order in Unity(Play Automaticaly checked etc), you might want to try exporting with the 2009 fbx exporter.
Also, what do you mean you hit play? The animation ought to play when the level starts, it might actually be playing but it finishes before you see it...
tried 2009, didnt help. Also tried 2010, nor did that. I mean i hit play button in editor. animation is 100 frames long, so i guess it should start playing as soon as i hit play button, right ?
Answer by devilkkw · Jul 22, 2011 at 04:13 PM
use a skinnedmesh in 3dsmax,and export in fbx2011 binary.In unity when u select our model,in the inspector just create our animation clip by set the keyframe start and keyframe end.
I dont know what was the problem, but i reskinned and reanimated the model and it worked, so i guess there was some issue with the skin modifier. Anyway, thanks for the lead.
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