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My game work on unity remote but not in build
I'm using two cameras, a perspective one to display the game and an orthographic one to get the touch inputs on the screen. The player drag his finger to shoot the character(the longer he drags, the faster the character will go). When I'm using the unity remote on play mode everything works fine but when I build the game and try it directly on my phone it doesn't work, the force applied to the character doesn't depend on the dragging size (on build), it's always the same. I tried to change the value of my power and my maxdragsize but I still have the same problem. I think the problem come from the orthographic camera when I build the game. Thanks
Answer by Patrickmol · Jun 14, 2021 at 09:15 AM
The only thing that goes trought my mind is that Update() is called every frame and FixedUpdate() constantly so maybe on Remote 5 is running 5000 frames xSec and it's ok but on phone it's just 150 so it's not ok..... may this helps
Thanks for your answer, I tried but it's still not working. I think the problem comes from the orthographic camera but I can't figure out what's wrong with it.
If you are using the Z axis that could be it... Else try to check that the app is an android apk and go to player setting and enable the ARM architectures (7 and 64 I think)
The ARM architectures 7 was already enable and I cant enable the 64 because "not supported on Mono", I just tried to build it for windows and it works perfectly. What do you mean by using the Z axis ? My character can move on the X and Y axis and my orthographic camera's rotation is (0,0,0) so it can only see the X and Y axis, and it's position is (0,0, -10). Any idea?
Answer by Teubito · Jun 14, 2021 at 09:02 PM
I've find a solution, I'm not doing it whith 2 cameras anymore, I use a Plane and a raycast instead.
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