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Bending a stick problem (Probably easy for an intermediate programmer)
Here is the code I used to bend a mesh object: public class Bend : MonoBehaviour { public enum BendAxis {X, Y, Z};
public float rotate = 90;
public float fromPosition = 0.5F; //from 0 to 1
public BendAxis axis = BendAxis.X;
Mesh mesh;
Vector3[] vertices;
void Start()
mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
vertices = mesh.vertices;
if (axis == BendAxis.X)
float meshWidth = mesh.bounds.size.z;
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
float formPos = Mathf.Lerp(meshWidth / 2, -meshWidth / 2, fromPosition);
float zeroPos = vertices[i].z + formPos;
float rotateValue = (-rotate / 2) * (zeroPos / meshWidth);
zeroPos -= 2 * vertices[i].x * Mathf.Cos ((90 - rotateValue) * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
vertices[i].x += zeroPos * Mathf.Sin(rotateValue * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
vertices[i].z = zeroPos * Mathf.Cos(rotateValue * Mathf.Deg2Rad) - formPos;
else if (axis == BendAxis.Y)
float meshWidth = mesh.bounds.size.z;
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
float formPos = Mathf.Lerp(meshWidth / 2, -meshWidth / 2, fromPosition);
float zeroPos = vertices[i].z + formPos;
float rotateValue = (-rotate / 2) * (zeroPos / meshWidth);
zeroPos -= 2 * vertices[i].y * Mathf.Cos ((90 - rotateValue) * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
vertices[i].y += zeroPos * Mathf.Sin(rotateValue * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
vertices[i].z = zeroPos * Mathf.Cos(rotateValue * Mathf.Deg2Rad) - formPos;
else if (axis == BendAxis.Z)
float meshWidth = mesh.bounds.size.x;
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
float formPos = Mathf.Lerp(meshWidth / 2, -meshWidth / 2, fromPosition);
float zeroPos = vertices[i].x + formPos;
float rotateValue = (-rotate / 2) * (zeroPos / meshWidth);
zeroPos -= 2 * vertices[i].y * Mathf.Cos ((90 - rotateValue) * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
vertices[i].y += zeroPos * Mathf.Sin(rotateValue * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
vertices[i].x = zeroPos * Mathf.Cos(rotateValue * Mathf.Deg2Rad) - formPos;
mesh.vertices = vertices;
mesh.RecalculateBounds ();
It seems to be bending from only one side and even when I change fromPosition it doesn't seem to be bending.
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