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Vittorio · May 08, 2012 at 04:23 AM ·
character controllerfauxgravity
mario galaxy character controller with faux gravity
Hello there ! after searching, reading, and trying different approaches, I can' get a capsule walking on a spheroid (deformed "terrain"like sphere) and climbing slopes, following the planet gravity.
Using a very good example in theFaux gravity post I understood how to make something walk on a perfect sphere, but that doesn't work with a complex terrain, or any other object supposed to be climbable. I tried putting together a WASD rigidbody movement script, but it keeps on giving me the same issues. so, basically doing a step backward, and reconsidering using bundled character controllers: any advice on how to make a character walk on a complex surface with an arbitrary gravity center ?
thank you so much for ideas/brainstorm/answers !