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Queue Order and Billboarded Trees
So, I used a script to modify the render queue in order for my clouds to render properly behind distant billboarded trees. All works fine, but I have a moon that I want to render behind the clouds.
What are the queue orders for this to work properly? As of now no madder what I set the moon render queue to it still renders in front of the clouds. I have tried all shaders, but I have decided to go with transparent diffuse, as it looks the best.
If I remove the render queues from the clouds, the moon renders properly behind the clouds, but then the distant trees render behind the clouds also..This is a big problem and I can't seem to figure it out. I don't really understand why this is happening.
Is there a max queue that can be reached? Example I have my clouds set to 2800 and then I have my moon set to 3000 shouldn't the moon be behind the clouds? Why isn't it working..Or is it something that I'm not understanding?
If anyone knows and can share their knowledge and help me out or explain things it would be very appreciated. Thanks