Scripting an AI similar to Double Dragon/Final Fight
Hey Everyone,
This is my first post on the Unity forums. I have been tinkering with it for a while now, but have never really completed anything serious. However, at this point, I am in school for a Game Design degree and I am interested in building up a quality body of work for my portfolio. Anyway, I am involved in a project at the moment that has me building a stage very similar to Double Dragon ( and a million other beat-em up titles) and now that I have my player and camera working in good order, its time I start getting the enemy prefabs done. I haven't, however, ever scripted this form of an AI. I have looked into A*, but it doesn't really seem to fit the mechanic I am looking for. Those of you out there who have played the afore mentioned games know what I mean. If anyone has a suggestion of existing threads or would like to shoot me some advice on where I should begin, I would be rather appreciative.