Maya skeleteon to Unity
I've got a character modeled in Maya, rigged with Advanced Skeleton. I added one more node to the hierarchy as a Global joint. This joint is placed in the origin and the parent of all joints, included in the skinning, but has no effect on any vertices.
I import everything as it is suggested in tutorials, helps, and other comments using Humanoid rig, etc. When I export my idle animation, The hip object (Root_M in Advanced Skeleton terms) is positioned into the origin, and character idles around this point. Feet are changing position, hip stays in place.
What I'd like to see, is the same as in Maya. Feet are locked on the ground, hip about 1m high and swaying as the animation indicates.
Addition issue is that I have additional bones to control two ponytails, but though the animation is present in the exported FBX, it's not playing in UNITY
Any help is welcome, I have to deliver the character tomorrow :D