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Intantiated objects being created but being invisible...[PICTURES]
Note: Incase you get confused, playership_1 is the enemy prefab, it just won't let me change the name
I am making a laser defender game in my online course (2D) and so what we are doing is instantiating, and/or spawning enemies as children of positions that are marked by gizmos. When I start the game, it looks like this:
When I start the game, I only see the spaceship and the black background. When I pause and go into the scene, this is what I see:
I have checked the z-value, even though I don't have a background. What is wrong? Please help.
Answer by JohnBartle · Mar 19, 2019 at 05:07 PM
Can you show the script that instantiates the prefab and the actual prefab itself? Can only make guesses with what was provided.
Nov 25, 2016 at 07:56 AM Lol nvm sorry for the necro.