Question by
Sachin106 · Dec 15, 2017 at 10:43 AM ·
gameobjecttransform.positionempty game object
How to set a gameobjects transform to an empty child of another gameobject,set a gameobject transform to another gameobjects child transform
I am making a skate boarding game and I want my player game object to go to the empty child of the skateboard, is there a way to do that, I am trying to make a skate boarding game and I want my player game object to go to the skateboards empty child's transform.
You are going to have to elaborate more. It is hard to understand what you are going for here? Why do you not just make the players position always follow the skateboards position through code or something? Honestly I am not sure of my answer because I do not understand the question.
// Set current gameObject's parent to w/e transform
gameObject.transform.parent = w/e transform here;