Question by
Drahztic · Feb 08, 2021 at 04:33 PM ·
scripting problemrendertexturetriggersbug-perhaps
Material and RenderTexture produce unexpected results when disabled/released.
I am working on a project where a series of cameras write to individual RenderTextures, which are used as the base color for a series of screen materials. Its like a bunch of movie sets, and a series of planes play the live feed from those cameras.
When a player enters a trigger zone, I disable the camera, and discard the RenderTexture. The expected result would be the Material displaying the RenderTexture turns Black, but instead it takes on another RenderTexture in my scene, despite having no reference to that RenderTexture on the Screen object, or the Trigger object. It also seems to work as intended from extreme view angles relative to the Screen object.
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