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Zythus · Jul 17, 2017 at 06:22 PM ·
unity 5multiplayer-networking
Checking if Players are ready before starting the game in Multiplayer Unity
Hello, tinkering with multiplayer mobile game here, I have a racing game, and would like the players to start at the same time. Thing is scene loading times differentiate on devices, and thus I wanted to create a simple "Ready" button, so when both players press it on their devices, they would start their game at the same time. Now I tinkered with Commands, RPC-s and Syncvars, but can't seem to get it to work. Spent whole day trying to wrap my head around it.
Which player should store the Player1Ready and Player2Ready bools, and how should I check if they are both enabled at the same time? If they are both enabled I want to start a Coroutine and let the game go.