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51mickey · Apr 03, 2012 at 01:36 AM ·
My Javascript collision isn't being detected, please help.
Javascript question. I need to make a simple game for class. I've made a game with a bouncing basketball within a box, and a moving paddle along the bottom. when the ball collides with the paddle, i want it to continue bouncing. If the user doesn't get the paddle there in time, the game is over. For some reason, the collision isn't being recognized, the ball goes right through the paddle. What am I doing wrong? Here is the code:
#playingArea{ position: absolute; top: 100; left: 100; border: 3px solid black; width: 500; height: 500; background-color: #E0FFFF; } #paddle{ position: absolute; top: 470; left: 228; width: 64; height: 16;
position: absolute;
top: 4;
left: 200;
width: 16;
height: 16;
position: absolute;
top: 486;
left: 0;
width: 500;
height: 14;
font-size: 10pt;
color: white;
background-color: rgb(32,128,64);
<script language="JavaScript">
//get info, process data, update screen objects
//instance vars
var ball;
var paddle;
var score;
//initial speeds
var dx = 5;
var dy = 5;
var currentScore = 0;
var timer;
//set initial conditions for ball and paddle
var paddleLeft = 228;
var ballLeft = 300;
var ballTop = 4;
function init(){
//instantiate HTML object instance vars
ball = document.getElementById('ball');
paddle = document.getElementById('paddle');
score = document.getElementById('score');
//register key listener with document object
document.onkeydown = keyListener;
//start the game loop
function keyListener(e){
//for IE
e = window.event;
if(e.keyCode==37 && paddleLeft > 0){
//keyCode 37 is left arrow
paddleLeft -= 4;
paddle.style.left = paddleLeft + 'px';
if(e.keyCode==39 && paddleLeft < 436){
//keyCode 39 is right arrow
paddleLeft += 4;
paddle.style.left = paddleLeft + 'px';
function start(){
//game loop
//end conditions
if(ballTop < 470){
//still in play - keep the loop going
timer = setTimeout('start()',50);
function detectCollisions(){
//just reflect the ball on a collision
//a more robust engine could change trajectory of ball based
//on where the ball hits the paddle
dx = dx * -1;
dy = dy * -1;
function collisionX(){
//check left and right boundaries
if(ballLeft < 4 || ballLeft > 462)
return true;
return false;
function collisionY(){
//check if at top of playing area
if(ballTop < 4)
return true;
//check to see if ball collided with paddle
if(ballTop > 470){
if(ballLeft > paddleLeft && ballLeft < paddleLeft + 64)
return true;
return false;
function render(){
function moveBall(){
ballLeft += dx;
ballTop += dy;
ball.style.left = ballLeft;
ball.style.top = ballTop;
function updateScore(){
currentScore += 5;
score.innerHTML = 'Score: ' + currentScore;
function difficulty(){
//as the game progresses, increase magnitude of the vertical speed
if(currentScore % 1000 == 0){
if(dy > 0)
dy += 1;
dy -= 1;
function gameOver(){
//end the game by clearing the timer, modifying the score label
score.innerHTML += " Game Over";
score.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(128,0,0)';
Score: 0
Do both of your objects have colliders attached? Does one or more of them have a rigidbody?
You may want to review Unity's physics manual and check that everything is set up according to spec. I realize that's a pretty general answer, but you're not giving us a lot to work with, here.