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Why does ReliableFragmentedSequenced have a 32 fragment limit?
When setting up a UNET Qos Channel, I saw that there is an option for ReliableFragmentedSequenced
This would be useful for sending large files, but it has a limit imposed of 32 fragments. What is the reason for the specified limit?
If a users goal is to send large files over UNET, the 32 fragment limit stops this being an otherwise convenient solution. Assuming this is not an arbitrarily chosen number, what is special about 32 fragmented packets? It doesn't match fragmentation limits on any network protocols I know the details of.
The alternative is doing the Fragmentation yourself, as shown here
It seems the maximum size using fragmentation is 2$$anonymous$$B (64$$anonymous$$ bytes is given as a max size if you try sending over an unfragmented channel, times 32.)