Vertical Rays rapidly changing between "detecting ground" to "not detecting ground"
I am using Prime31's Character Controller 2D as it has proven very reliable in my past projects.
However, for this particular project, 2018.3.14f1 (I've tried changing the version to the latest version has not impact of the issue), i am having an issue with 1 part of the script.
Every aspect of the script works. The rays successfully determine if objects are located to the left, right and above the object. The only rays that are supposed to detect ground detection are behaving in a bizarre way...
All i have is the player controller script and setting the isGrounded variable to equal the collision state as shown below: But Im still getting this weird behaviour despite using this method of obtaining the collision state as the ground variable in numerous projects before. I've tried changing the version and it does not affect the issue.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.