Question by
Xeritan · Sep 05, 2016 at 11:46 AM ·
Requesting Help with Character Controller
Using a custom character controller from the asset store. The issue I'm having is that the character is able to walk up and down slopes that are way too steep. The character is basically able to walk up and down walls. How could I add a slope limit, or something, to prevent that from happening? I greatly appreciate the help. Here is the script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;
public class DragonController : MonoBehaviour
public enum DragoType
Tiger = 0, Mouse = 1, Sea = 2, Coming_Soon = 3
public enum Ground
walk = 1, trot = 2, run = 3
#region Variables
#region Drago Components
private Animator anim;
private Transform DragoTransform;
private Rigidbody dragoRigidBody;
private CapsuleCollider dragoCollider;
private Transform Cam;
#region Animator Parameters Variables
private bool
swim, isInWater, underWater,
stand = true;
private float
groundSpeed = 1f,
flyspeedanimator = 1f,
private int
#region Inspector Entries
public DragoType DragonType = DragoType.Tiger;
[Header("Camera Move Input")]
public bool cameraMove;
[Tooltip("Activate Camera Y Axis also while flying and underwater swimming")]
public bool UpDownAxis;
[Tooltip("Specify wich layer is the ground")]
public LayerMask GroundLayer;
public Ground StartSpeed;
[Tooltip("Add Walk Speed greater than 1 the dragon will Slide")]
public float WalkSpeed = 1f;
[Tooltip("Add Trot Speed greater than 1 the dragon will Slide")]
public float TrotSpeed = 1f;
[Tooltip("Add Run Speed greater than 1 the dragon will Slide")]
public float RunSpeed = 1f;
[Tooltip("Add Turn Speed .... Zero will rotate with the default animation rotation")]
public float TurnSpeed = 0f;
public int GotoSleep;
public float flySpeed = 1f;
public float flyTurn = 0f;
[Tooltip("Water Level for the dragon to Swim on the water")]
public float waterLine = 0f;
public float swimSpeed = 1f;
public float swimTurn = 0f;
public float UnderSpeed = 1f;
public float UnderTurn = 0f;
#region Modify_the_Position_Variables
RaycastHit hit_Hip, hit_Chest;
Vector3 Drago_Hip, Drago_Chest;
float turnAmount, forwardAmount;
Pivots[] pivots;
#region Properties
public float JumpPoint
set { jumpPoint = value; }
get { return this.jumpPoint; }
public float GroundSpeed
set { groundSpeed = value; }
get { return this.groundSpeed; }
public float MaxHeight
set { maxHeight = value; }
get { return this.maxHeight; }
public int DragoInt
set { dragoInt = value; }
get { return this.dragoInt; }
public int Tired
set { tired = value; }
get { return this.tired; }
public float DragoFloat
set { dragoFloat = value; }
get { return this.dragoFloat; }
public bool IsInWater
set { isInWater = value; }
get { return this.isInWater; }
public bool UnderWater
set { underWater = value; }
get { return this.underWater; }
public float Horizontal
return horizontal;
horizontal = value;
public float Vertical
return vertical;
vertical = value;
public float UpDown
get { return upDown; }
set { upDown = value; }
public bool Speed1
return speed1;
speed1 = value;
public bool Speed2
return speed2;
speed2 = value;
public bool Speed3
return speed3;
speed3 = value;
public bool Jump
get { return jump; }
set { jump = value; }
public bool Shift
get { return shift; }
set { shift = value; }
public bool Down
get { return down; }
set { down = value; }
public bool Damage
get { return damage; }
set { damage = value; }
public bool Fly
get { return fly; }
set { fly = value; }
public bool Dodge
get { return dodge; }
set { dodge = value; }
public bool Death
get { return death; }
set { death = value; }
public bool Attack1
get { return attack1; }
set { attack1 = value; }
public bool Attack2
get { return attack2; }
set { attack2 = value; }
public bool Stun
get { return stun; }
set { stun = value; }
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
DragoTransform = transform;
dragoCollider = GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>();
dragoRigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
pivots = GetComponentsInChildren<Pivots>(); //Pivots are Strategically Transform objects use to cast rays used by the drago
scaleFactor = DragoTransform.localScale.y; //TOTALLY SCALABE DRAGO
dragoHeight = pivots[1].transform.localPosition.y;
groundSpeed = (int)StartSpeed;
anim.SetInteger("Type", (int)DragonType);
public void CameraMove(Vector3 move)
// convert the world relative moveInput vector into a local-relative
// turn amount and forward amount required to head in the desired
// direction.
if (move.magnitude > 1f) move.Normalize();
move = transform.InverseTransformDirection(move);
turnAmount = Mathf.Atan2(move.x, move.z);
forwardAmount = move.z;
//Up & Down movement while flying or swiming;
if (UpDownAxis && !jump && !down)
if (fly || underWater)
float a = move.y;
if (a > 0) a = a * 1.8f;
upDown = Mathf.Lerp(upDown, a, Time.deltaTime * 5f);
//----------------------linking the Parameters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LinkingAnimator(Animator anim_)
anim_.SetFloat(HashIDsDragons.verticalHash, vertical * speed);
anim_.SetFloat(HashIDsDragons.horizontalHash, direction);
anim_.SetFloat(HashIDsDragons.updownHash, upDown);
anim_.SetFloat(HashIDsDragons.flySpeedHash, Mathf.Lerp(anim_.GetFloat(HashIDsDragons.flySpeedHash), flyspeedanimator, Time.deltaTime * 5f));
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.shiftHash, shift);
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.standHash, stand);
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.jumpHash, jump);
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.attack1Hash, attack1);
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.attack2Hash, attack2);
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.injuredHash, damage);
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.flyHash, fly);
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.fallHash, fall);
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.dodgeHash, dodge);
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.stunnedHash, stun);
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.swimHash, swim);
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.underWaterHash, underWater);
if (fly)
anim_.SetFloat(HashIDsDragons.floatDragonHash, dragoFloat);
anim_.SetBool(HashIDsDragons.groundedHash, grounded);
if (death)
anim_.SetTrigger(HashIDsDragons.deathHash); //Triggers the Death
//--Add more Rotations to the current Turn animations -------------------------------------------
void TurnAmount()
float Turn;
if (fly)
Turn = flyTurn;
else if (swim)
Turn = swimTurn;
Turn = TurnSpeed;
if (vertical >= 0)
DragoTransform.Rotate(DragoTransform.up, Turn * 3 * horizontal * Time.deltaTime);
DragoTransform.Rotate(DragoTransform.up, Turn * 3 * -horizontal * Time.deltaTime);
//More Rotation when jumping and falling... in air rotation------------------
if (isJumping() || fall && !fly && !swim)
if (vertical >= 0)
DragoTransform.Rotate(DragoTransform.up, 100 * horizontal * Time.deltaTime);
DragoTransform.Rotate(DragoTransform.up, 100 * -horizontal * Time.deltaTime);
//--Add more Speed to the current Move animations--------------------------------------------
void SpeedAmount()
float amount = 0;
float axis = vertical;
Vector3 direction = DragoTransform.forward;
if (swim && !underWater || anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Swim Jump"))
amount = swimSpeed;
else if (underWater)
amount = UnderSpeed;
else if (fly)
amount = flySpeed;
if (vertical >= 0.1)
if (jump) direction = (DragoTransform.forward + DragoTransform.up).normalized;
if (down) direction = (DragoTransform.forward - DragoTransform.up).normalized;
axis = upDown;
if (jump || down) direction = Vector3.up;
if (groundSpeed == 1) amount = WalkSpeed;
if (groundSpeed == 2) amount = TrotSpeed;
if (groundSpeed == 3) amount = RunSpeed;
DragoTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(DragoTransform.position, DragoTransform.position + direction * amount * axis / 5f, Time.deltaTime);
//------------------------------------------Terrain Logic----------------------------------
void FixPosition()
Drago_Hip = pivots[0].transform.position;
Drago_Chest = pivots[1].transform.position;
//Ray From Hip to the ground
if (Physics.Raycast(Drago_Hip, -DragoTransform.up, out hit_Hip, 0.5f * scaleFactor, GroundLayer))
Debug.DrawRay(hit_Hip.point, hit_Hip.normal * 0.02f,;
//Ray From Chest to the ground
if (Physics.Raycast(Drago_Chest, -DragoTransform.up, out hit_Chest, 0.5f * scaleFactor, GroundLayer))
Debug.DrawRay(hit_Chest.point, hit_Chest.normal * 0.02f,;
//Smoothy rotate until is Aling with the Horizontal
if (fly || swim && !underWater)
float amount = 10f;
if (swim) amount = 8;
Quaternion finalRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(DragoTransform.up, Vector3.up) * dragoRigidBody.rotation;
if (Vector3.Angle(DragoTransform.up, Vector3.up) > 0.1f)
DragoTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(DragoTransform.rotation, finalRot, Time.deltaTime * amount);
DragoTransform.rotation = finalRot;
//------------------------------------------------Terrain Adjusment--------------------------------------------
//---------------------------------Calculate the Align vector of the terrain-----------------------------------
Vector3 direction = (hit_Chest.point - hit_Hip.point).normalized;
Vector3 Side = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, direction).normalized;
Vector3 SurfaceNormal = Vector3.Cross(direction, Side).normalized;
float angleTerrain = Vector3.Angle(DragoTransform.up, SurfaceNormal);
// ------------------------------------------Orient To Terrain--------------------------------------------------
Quaternion finalRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(DragoTransform.up, SurfaceNormal) * dragoRigidBody.rotation;
// If the dragon is falling, jumping or flying smoothly aling with the horizontal
if (fall || isJumping(0.7f, true))
finalRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(DragoTransform.up, Vector3.up) * dragoRigidBody.rotation;
DragoTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(DragoTransform.rotation, finalRot, Time.deltaTime * 10f);
// if the terrain changes hard smoothly adjust to the terrain ground
if (angleTerrain > 0.2f)
DragoTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(DragoTransform.rotation, finalRot, Time.deltaTime * 10f);
DragoTransform.rotation = finalRot;
//--------------------------------------Falling Logic----------------------------------------------------------
void Falling()
RaycastHit hitpos;
//if the dragon stay stucked while falling move foward ... basic solution
if (fall && dragoRigidBody.velocity.magnitude < 0.1 && !fly && !swim)
// DragoTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(DragoTransform.position, DragoTransform.position + DragoTransform.forward * 5f, Time.deltaTime);
if (Physics.Raycast(, -DragoTransform.up, out hitpos, 0.9f * scaleFactor, GroundLayer))
fall = false;
fall = true;
void Swimming()
RaycastHit WaterHitCenter;
//Front RayWater Cast
if (Physics.Raycast(pivots[2].transform.position, -DragoTransform.up, out WaterHitCenter, dragoHeight * scaleFactor * 3, LayerMask.GetMask("Water")))
waterlevel = WaterHitCenter.transform.position.y; //get the water level when find water
isInWater = true;
isInWater = false;
if (isInWater) //if we hit water
if ((Drago_Chest.y < waterlevel && !swim) || (fall && !fly && !isJumping()))
swim = true;
dragoRigidBody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationZ | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationX | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationY | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionY;
//Stop swimming when he is coming out of the water
if (hit_Chest.distance < dragoHeight * scaleFactor)
swim = false;
dragoRigidBody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationZ | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationX | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationY;
dragoRigidBody.useGravity = true;
if (swim)
fall = false;
fly = false;
//Smoothy Move until is Aling with the Water
if (!isJumping())
dragoRigidBody.useGravity = true;
DragoTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(DragoTransform.position, new Vector3(DragoTransform.position.x, waterlevel - dragoHeight + waterLine, DragoTransform.position.z), Time.deltaTime * 5f);
dragoRigidBody.useGravity = false;
dragoRigidBody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationZ | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationX | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationY;
if (upDown != 0) upDown = Mathf.Lerp(upDown, 0, Time.fixedDeltaTime * 5);
//-------------------Go UnderWater---------------
if (down && !isJumping())
underWater = true;
anim.applyRootMotion = false;
dragoRigidBody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationZ | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationX | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationY;
if (isJumping(0.5f, true) && !isInWater)
swim = false;
dragoRigidBody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationZ | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationX | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationY;
void UnderWaterMovement()
dragoRigidBody.drag = 100;
int shiftpeed = 1;
if (shift) shiftpeed = 3;
//Forwards Movement
if (vertical > 0 || upDown != 0)
DragoTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(DragoTransform.position, DragoTransform.position + DragoTransform.forward * UnderSpeed *shiftpeed* Mathf.Max(vertical, Mathf.Abs(upDown)) / 2, Time.fixedDeltaTime);
//Rotation left/right
transform.RotateAround(Vector3.up, UnderTurn * horizontal * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
// transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 100 * horizontal * Time.fixedDeltaTime, Space.World);
if ((Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, Vector3.up) > 30 && jump) || (Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, Vector3.up) < 170 && down) || UpDownAxis && cameraMove) //Limit Up Down Axis
transform.RotateAround(transform.right, 2 * -upDown * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
if (!jump && !down)
upDown = Mathf.Lerp(upDown, 0, Time.fixedDeltaTime * 2);
//To Get Out of the Water---------------------------------
RaycastHit UnderWaterHit;
if (Physics.Raycast(pivots[2].transform.position, -Vector3.up, out UnderWaterHit, scaleFactor * 1, LayerMask.GetMask("Water")))
Debug.DrawRay(pivots[2].transform.position, -Vector3.up * scaleFactor * 1,;
if (!down)
underWater = false;
anim.applyRootMotion = true;
dragoRigidBody.drag = 0;
void YAxisMovement(float v)
if (jump)
upDown = Mathf.Lerp(upDown, 1, Time.deltaTime * v);
else if (down)
upDown = Mathf.Lerp(upDown, -1, Time.deltaTime * v);
upDown = Mathf.Lerp(upDown, 0, Time.deltaTime * v);
void Grounded()
RaycastHit hitGrounded;
if (Physics.Raycast(pivots[1].transform.position, -DragoTransform.up, out hitGrounded, dragoHeight * 1.1f * scaleFactor, GroundLayer))
Debug.DrawRay(pivots[1].transform.position, -DragoTransform.up * dragoHeight * scaleFactor,;
if (isJumping(0.5f, true))
grounded = false;
grounded = true;
grounded = false;
//--------------------------------------------------------------------Check if the in the Jumping State-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//***------------------------------------------ this will return false if is not in the Jumping state or if is not in the desired half of the jump***------------------------------------------
bool isJumping(float normalizedtime, bool half)
if (half) //if is jumping the first half
if (anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("Jump"))
if (anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime < normalizedtime)
return true;
if (anim.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("Jump")) //if is transitioning to jump
if (anim.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime < normalizedtime)
return true;
else //if is jumping the second half
if (anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("Jump"))
if (anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime > normalizedtime)
return true;
if (anim.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("Jump")) //if is transitioning to jump
if (anim.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime > normalizedtime)
return true;
return false;
bool isJumping()
if (anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("Jump"))
return true;
if (anim.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("Jump"))
return true;
return false;
void FixedUpdate()
if (!underWater)
void Update()
// getButtons(); //GET the Input Buttons
if (cameraMove)
vertical = forwardAmount;
horizontal = turnAmount;
//More Rotation While aiming with the camera
if (!underWater)
transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, horizontal * Time.deltaTime * 100);
if ((horizontal != 0) || (vertical != 0) || Tired >= GotoSleep)
stand = false;
else stand = true;
//Change velocity on ground!!
if (!fly && !swim)
if (speed1) groundSpeed = 1f;
if (speed2) groundSpeed = 2f;
if (speed3) groundSpeed = 3f;
else if (fly)
if (speed1) flyspeedanimator = 1f;
if (speed2) flyspeedanimator = 1.25f;
if (speed3) flyspeedanimator = 1.35f;
int shiftSpeed = 1;
float directionmult = 1; // for Strafe in air in horizontal
//Shift Key Changes Fly mode
if (shift)
shiftSpeed = 2;
if (fly)
directionmult = 2; //changue in the animator fly blendtree to horizontal :2f: that stores the strafe animation while flying
DragoFloat = Mathf.Lerp(DragoFloat, 1, Time.deltaTime * 5f); // .... Press Shift input to Glide
if (fly)
DragoFloat = Mathf.Lerp(DragoFloat, 0, Time.deltaTime * 5f); //Glide off
float maxspeed = groundSpeed;
if (swim)
maxspeed =1;
speed = Mathf.Lerp(speed, maxspeed * shiftSpeed, Time.deltaTime * 2f); //smoothly transitions bettwen velocities
direction = Mathf.Lerp(direction, horizontal * directionmult, Time.deltaTime * 8f); //smoothly transitions bettwen directions
if (fly)
YAxisMovement(2f); //--------------------Controls the Fly Movement Up and Down
if (jump || attack2 || damage || stun) stand = false; //Stand False when doing some action
//Fly close to the ground;
if (grounded) fly = false;
//Reset Sleep
if (!stand || attack1 || attack2 || jump || shift || swim || fly) Tired = 0;
if (!swim && !fly) upDown = 0;
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