unity walk legacy animation clip not working properly
hey all, I have created a model using Mixamo as well as imported some animation from there, I went to the rig tab and changed my animations and my model to legacy. Once I start playing my animations clips in the preview window, my idle and slash animation work properly, but when I use my walk or run animation I can see my model leaving the circle under him and walk/run until the clip ends and then the animation restart. When I play my game I see the model walking/running at a certain time goes backward and restart walking/running, back and forth. I have also tried those same animation in mecanim and in the preview window, they work perfectly find, but I really need it to work for legacy and not in mecanim. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you
nvm, I figured out my mistake, I forgot to check the "in place" checkbox when I was downloading from mixamo lol