Sprites pixel colliding with 2d collider
Hey, I've been working on my own 2d game for a while and I'm having a problem. The tank should be able to shoot, and the bullet should bounce on walls. It's all working well but on spawning(bullet.SetActive(true)) it is like the bullets collider is colliding with a sprite without collider. It spawns and then pushes both the tank and the bullets to opposites sites. Its kinda of hard to explain so i'll link a video. https://www.dropbox.com/home/Ask%20Unity?preview=UnityQuestions.mp4 If the game aren't started, the bullet can easily go from deactive to active wihtout causing trouble. but in game, when i activate the bullet they both kinda gets pushed to right and left, even though it can after spawn easily move into the zone where it was supposed to spawn. The last part of the video, shows the colliders. The capsule collider is the real collider, and the 2 other square triggers, which check for collision with other tanks bullet. Even though the bullet clearly aren't in the collider of the capsule. Though if I disable the capsule collider there's no problem at all. So why is the bullet getting pushed to the side, and how can it be fixed? I'm sorry if this question is really obvious and thank you for all the help, and for using a bit of time on this. Thank you!