II. Hemp and Cannabis: difference explained

Biologically, both hemp and cannabis belong to the same species, called Cannabis Sativa.

It means that official separation between these two varieties only depend on THC limits set by each country.

For example, in European Union countries all Cannabis Sativa varieties of <0,2% THC are classified as hemp. Everything above is classified as cannabis.

USA or Switzerland, meanwhile, declare 0,3% THC as the boundary.

Historically, hemp has been already grown for over 50.000 years as a great source of fiber. Paleolithic and Neolithic people in China, Japan, Europe would use it for textiles, paper, biofuel, food, animal feed.

Actually, even USA president George Washington has been growing hemp. In his diary he mentioned about growing 27 bushels of hemp for rope and fabric in 1765.

Despite its usefulness, hemp has always been wrongly associated with its troubling relative cannabis.

In 1937 Marijuana Tax Act prohibited any Cannabis Sativa varieties in USA, destroying whole industry. Hemp was included into the Act despite being non-psychoactive, which was highly protested in the public.

Interestingly enough, USA government still employed hemp in World War II to produce soldier uniforms and ropes, pausing the Marijuana Tax Act and encouraging local farmers to grow hemp despite the past prohibition. The campaign was called „Hemp for Victory“.

Speaking of international policy, United Nations released Narcotic Drugs Convention in 1961, declaring cannabis as controlled substance, but letting every country decide regarding industrial use of hemp.

In modern times, most of the countries allow cultivation of hemp, as long as it contains less than 0,2% or 0,3% THC.

In the result, hemp products popularity is now coming back to the old glory days – textiles, construction elements, hemp seed oil, protein, tea and many other products are back to market and growing. However, the new hemp food supplements niche, especially CBD, is by far the most intriguing.

Meanwhile, cultivation of the psychoactive cannabis (high in THC) is still forbidden in most of the world, except Uruguay and Canada.

H Drop is strictly selling products made from hemp only.

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