
BCG (Tuberculosis) Vaccine


    1. The graph below shows that immunization with BCG vaccine starting at school age (after 2 months of life) is associated with an increased risk of IDDM in Europe.     


BCG_europe_1c.jpg (100955 bytes)


BCG at school europe 1c.WMF (20204 bytes)



2. Published Data from Quebec supports the ecological data from Europe (above)
that immunization with BCG vaccine starting after 1 year of life is associated
with an almost doubling of the risk of insulin dependent diabetes.
The published
data from Quebec (Diabetes Care 20: 767-772, 1997) showed 14 of 249
diabetics (5.6%) were immunized with BCG after 1 year of life compared to 12
of 431 controls (2.78%).


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