Debian CD and DVD Images

Please start by selecting the main image type:
[normal installer CDs/DVDs] These are the classic Debian install CDs/DVDs. They contain the installer for installing Debian onto a computer, as well as all the packages.
[live DVD/USB] These images contain a live-system, that means they contain a Debian system that can boot and run directly from the DVD or USB stick without being installed to the hard disc first. You can however also use these images to install Debian to the hard disc if you want to.
Note that these are currently only available for the standard PC x86_64/i386 architectures, not for the many other architectures supported by Debian.
[netinst CD] These are minimal bootable CD images for installation via network. They contain just the installer and network drivers. Everything else will be downloaded from the network during installation.

Or, you could browse /debian-cd/ instead.

More info

What is this?

This is an mirrorbits-instance for the debian-cd archive.
This should redirect you to a suitable mirror for debian-cd downloads.
That means: If tries to automatically find a mirror that has the file that you requested and is close to you.
The directory structure will be served by this server, as soon as a file is selected there will be a redirection.

Caveats / TODO / known problems

Popular files

Some popular files and their meta information. The "details" link gives information as to what mirror(s) you will be redirected to and why mirrorbits thinks that is a good idea.
WhatDownload linkDetails
11.6.0-live AMD64 [LXDE] [Gnome] [KDE] [MATE] [LXDE] [Gnome] [KDE] [MATE]
11.6.0 AMD64 [DVD1] [DVD1]
11.6.0 i386 [DVD1] [DVD1]


Mirrorbits uses Maxminds well known free GeoIP database, so the following attribution applies:
This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from

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