What Is Ezoic?

An A.I. Platform For Websites…

Most websites deliver visitors the same experiences, ad placements, and monetization strategies even when adapting these attributes could result in much higher revenue and better reader experiences. Ezoic fixes that.

What Is Ezoic?

An A.I. Platform For Websites

Most websites deliver visitors the same experiences, ad placements, and monetization strategies even when adapting these attributes could result in much higher revenue and better reader experiences. Ezoic fixes that.

A Platform For Publishers

Ezoic provides web publishers with automated website intelligence for their ads, content, layouts, and more.

Ezoic leverages machine learning to better understand website visitor behavior. This includes the ability to collect important data and automate decisions that improve visitor experiences, SEO, and website earnings.

How Does Ezoic Work?

Ezoic allows website owners, brands, publishers, and bloggers to easily add and improve parts of their websites. This includes the ability to increase revenue and improve visitor experiences by using artificial intelligence to automate important decisions.

Publishers can use Ezoic to perform automated visitor segmentation, make their websites faster, improve security, implement the web’s latest mobile technologies, and much more.

Ezoic puts the power of Big Data in the hands of web publishers and gives them the ability to easily automate smart actions that can help them deliver their audiences better experiences.

Starting With Ad Tester®

Most Ezoic publishers start out using Ad Tester. Ad Tester is an application available on the Ezoic platform that lets publishers test thousands of potential ad locations at once.

Ezoic learns which ad combinations improve UX metrics and increase website revenue, then customizes every web visit to how past visitors have responded to different ad combinations.

Publishers can use all of their existing ad partners (AdSense, etc.), leverage the thousands of partners already inside Ezoic, or a combination of both when using Ezoic.

website experience UX
website ad revenue

Deep Content Engagement Insights

Learn how visitor engagement is impacting revenue. Dig deep into what is influencing website engagement. Find out how word count, article length, scroll percentage, traffic sources, and other factors are ACTUALLY influencing ad revenue and SEO.

Gain deep insights into things like page speed. Find your slowest pages and see if they are actually causing a negative impact on traffic, SEO, or revenue.

See how your visitors behave. Get granular details on visitor behavior by page, landing page, traffic source, and more. Find the best combinations of recommended pages, social shares, page links, and much more.

Understand which types of visitors and forms of engagement are contributing most to the bottom line. Dive deep into their impact on total website revenue, organic search traffic, and visitor behavior.

increase website revenue

Improve UX & Revenue

Ad Tester® and Layout Tester®  are proven to increase pageviews per visit, session duration, and reduce bounce rate by customizing user sessions based on billions of rows of data.

This typically leads to revenue improvements above 50%. However, Ezoic allows publishers to compare apples-to-apples by splitting traffic between Ezoic and the  original website configuration

The Ezoic platform is easy to set up, simple to use, and works with any CMS, host, etc.

increase website revenue

Supported By Science

Authentically extending user sessions has a direct correlation with higher session earnings, and increasing engaged pageviews per visit can have an exponential impact of digital revenue.

Impacting user experience is one of the most significant factors in a publisher’s ability to generate website revenue, organic traffic, and more…

Ezoic publishers typically see linear improvements across all core user experience metrics after joining the platform. What’s more, website owners often see SEO improvements due to these changes as well.

You can view one of our most recent case studies further highlighting this well-known science below.

balance user experience and ad revenue
ad mediation

More Tools For Publishers

Ezoic includes dozens of helpful applications for publishers. This includes features like Ad Mediation.

Mediation allows website owners to connect all existing ad partners and have them compete on an even playing field inside Ezoic. When they compete, publishers win.

Ezoic also was the inventor of the Site Speed Accelerator, a tool designed to help every website achieve faster experiences for visitors while also scoring above 80 on mobile and desktop Google PageSpeed Insights reports.

ad mediation

Layout Tester®

Layout Tester works like Ad Tester except it tests dozens of potential layouts. Ezoic learns which layouts and ad positions have the strongest effect on ad revenue and user experience.

Ezoic will help publishers automatically customize every session to match visitor preferences. This improves user experience and website revenue at the exact same time.

test website layouts

Publishers Love Ezoic

Tens of thousands of publishers have leveraged Ezoic to help them manage and improve the way they monetize their websites.

Ezoic is an easy-to-use, interactive platform that gives everyone the ability to make sophisticated adjustments to their websites automatically. Ezoic puts the power of better data and app-based site optimization in the hands of everyone.

How to start

Setup is easy, secure, and requires no technical experience.

1. Create an Account

No credit card, no contract. Always starts with 30 days free.

2. Integrate with Ezoic

Three integration options & real humans available 24/7 to help.

3. Configure Features

This is where you get to play with settings & Ezoic’s advanced testing.