III. How is CBD legal, if cannabis is not?

CBD has not much to do with the psychoactive Cannabis Sativa plant.

THC-high (the psychoactive molecule) cannabis varieties, widely known as marijuana, are illegal to grow and use in most countries. Yes, they also have some CBD inside, but that‘s not what they are grown for. H Drop is strictly not part of marijuana market.

Most CBD products, including H Drop, are only produced from hemp.

Hemp is the non-psychoactive variety, which has up to 0,2% (in Europe) or 0,3% (in North America) THC concentration, therefore legal to grow in most of the countries.

Hemp varieties are derived specifically for health (rich with CBD, CBG and other cannabinoids), food (rich with seeds and protein) or industrial (up to 5 meters high and rich with fiber) use.

H Drop products are mostly manufactured from Futura variety, which has <4% of CBD and <0,2% of THC in its flowers and leaves during harvesting period.

Moreover, our production laboratories are able to remove 99,9% of remaining THC from the hemp extract, making H Drop products fully safe to use and legal in most countries.

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