Compare Content Management Systems

CMSmatrix lets you easily compare the features in over 1300 content management system products. Check the boxes next to the software you're interested in and click the Compare button. CMS comparison data is added/maintained by the vendors who develop the products. If a product is out of date or not included in the matrix, be sure to contact the vendor of the software and ask them to update or add their product listing on

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Listing Statistics
Most clicks WebGUI (210446)
Most views WebGUI (497385)
Most compares Joomla! (615190)
Most recently updated
9/3/2020 SCHLIX CMS
8/10/2020 CMSimple_XH
6/22/2020 NukeViet
12/10/2019 BOLD
8/15/2019 Cloud CMS
Best Rated By Users
System Requirements CouchCMS (9.3/10)
Security Composr CMS (8.91/10)
Support Composr CMS (8.99/10)
Ease of Use CouchCMS (9.2/10)
Performance CouchCMS (9/10)
Management Composr CMS (8.77/10)
Interoperability Composr CMS (8.67/10)
Flexibility Composr CMS (8.86/10)
Built-in Applications Composr CMS (9.09/10)
Commerce Composr CMS (7.69/10)
Worst Rated by Users
System Requirements ReloadCMS (3.61/10)
Security WebAPP (2.13/10)
Support InfoGlue (3/10)
Ease of Use WebAPP (3.07/10)
Performance WebAPP (2.5/10)
Management WebAPP (3.13/10)
Interoperability WebAPP (2.38/10)
Flexibility WebAPP (2.88/10)
Built-in Applications DT Centrepiece (2.73/10)
Commerce WebAPP (2.25/10)
Site Statistics
Listing Count 1328

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