
Konstantin Zhivetyev was born on June, 24th, 1983 in Narva, Estonia
He has been a very active boy since childhood.. Parents often took him with themselves on various competitions.

Since 1990 for 2001 went to school №10 Narva. He was diligent and scrupulous. He was doing well at school. At this time he took a great interest in rowing on kayaks and a canoe. The numerous prize-winner of superiority of Estonia.

Since 2001 for 2005 received the higher applied education in Kohtla-Järve in a branch of Tallinn technical university in industrial cars and mechanisms speciality. Graduates from biennial courses of the Red Cross. He has been a member of tourist club White River.

From 2005 to 2007 he had studied on a Master’s Degree course in Tallinn Technical University and became the mechanical engineer. Received the certificate of the trainer on kayaks. He organized and conducted the two-year project on involving of youth to tourism.

Since 2007 he has worked for BMC firm, has travelled worldwide: sets up and connects navigating equipment on ships.