Jim Long 2D - 3D Conversions

Gallery: Renaissance - 1750

Gallery: Post Renaissance

Gallery: Photographic conversions

Gallery: Family photos

2D to 3D Conversion Services

2D to 3D Conversion
Art and Photography Conversion to 3D stereo.
Fine art from 1425 to 1988 and
popular photographs from the 20th century.
3D Conversions by Jim Long

These are stereo conversions from artwork and photographs.

The original left eye image was changed to create the new image for your right eye.
The method used is the "pixel shift" technique; every pixel in the picture was moved.
They can be viewed as either cross-eyed, parallel, or anaglyphic.

My preference is the cross-eyed method. The easiest is the anaglyphic, if you have a pair of red/cyan glasses.

IPhone and Kindle users should set their screens to Landscape orientation and Kindle to fit-to-width for best results.

If you have any questions or comments, please write.
Jim Long

Many come to this site looking for 2D-3D conversion software, tools and techniques.
They ask, "What software do you use to make these 3D pictures?"

The secret is now out. Here is the SOFTware I use to convert these images:

This SOFTware is used in conjunction with Corel PhotoPaint.

But that is merely the chisel I use to select and move pixels.

The rest is done with the SOFTware shown above :)

People 3D video

Messiah 3D video

Cars2 3D Theater book
(uncredited conversions by yours truly-no royalties gained)

Wild Ocean 3D
2D/3D Stills Conversion

3d Movies

Copyright 2002- . James Long All rights reserved.

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