CLEMAIL v1.34 - Users Manual

Table of contents

1. Introduction
2. New in this version
3. Restrictions in the demo version
4. Install
5. Uninstall
6. Command line reference
7. Examples
8. About the preconfigured accounts
9. Getting a free email account
10. Web site integration
11. Final words

1. Introduction

Command Line E-mailer (CLEMAIL) is a tool that allows you to send e-mail from the command prompt. It's suitable for batch programming, personal use and applications that need e-mail capabilities. The goal is to bring command line e-mail to the Windows platform, and make it as easy as it possibly can get.

CLEMAIL has a number of preconfigured mail accounts that can be used to send e-mails. You don't need an account of your own to send e-mails with this tool! It's also possible to send e-mails using mail services that requires POP authentication (Yahoo for example.)

CLEMAIL is Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP compatible.

2. New in this version

Flag to set other encodings than base 64. No encoding is default. Before base 64 was the only encoding. (-encoding)
Flag to intercept and change the MIME message that CLEMAIL generates with an executable that you implement. (-hook)
Flag to print the MIME message that is sent to the smtp server. (-printmime)

3. Restrictions in the demo version

The software has 30 evaluation days. No features are disabled.

4. Install

Installing CLEMAIL is a simple procedure:
1. Create a directory suitable for installation For example, "c:\Program Files\clemail\"
2. Extract the zip file into the directory. If you don't have a zip extractor, please download Winzip at

The installation is now finished.

If you like, add the directory where you installed CLEMAIL to the PATH environment variable. The system will search that directory when looking for executable files.

5. Uninstall

Simple. Just delete the files added during installation. (CLEMAIL does not make any changes to the registry.)

6. Command line reference

Here is a description of the CLEMAIL switches:

Displays version and help information.

Quiet mode. No reporting on stdout is done.

Specify the sender's e-mail address.

Specify the receiver's e-mail address.

Specify the sender's real name.

Specify the receiver's real name.

Set the subject line.

Read the subject line from disk.

Set the body of the email.

Read the body from disk.

Sets the MIME content-type used in the message body. Valid types are: text/plain, text/html and text/enriched. Default is text/plain.

Attach files. One or multiple arguments.

Specify the SMTP server.

Specify the SMTP server port.

Specify the POP server.

Specify the POP server port.

Specify the username at the POP server.

Specify the password at the POP server.

Specify the encoding of the MIME message. Valid encodings are: none, base64. Default is none.

Specify the executable to intercept and change the MIME message. The excutable should read the message from stdin, change it and write it to stdout.

Print the MIME message that CLEMAIL generates. Useful in combination with the -hook flag.

7. Examples

Example 1
Using a preconfigured mail account to send e-mails. CLEMAIL chooses a preconfigured account since no -from address or -smtpserver has been specified.

>clemail -to -subject "The subject" -body "The body"

Example 2
Set the from and to real name.

>clemail -toname "Roger Karlsson" -fromname "Sureshot" -to -subject "The subject" -body "The body"

Example 3
Sending a HTML mail from preconfigured mail account. The subject and body are read from disk.

>clemail -to -subjectfile subject.txt -bodyfile body.html -contenttype text/html

Example 4
Attaching two documents.

>clemail -to -subject "The subject" -body "The body" -attach attach0.txt attach1.txt

Example 5
Using a specific sender address and SMTP server. None of the preconfigured accounts are used.

>clemail -from -to -smtpserver -subject "The subject" -body "The body"

Example 6
Using quiet mailing. No output is written.

>clemail -quiet -to -subject "The subject" -body "The body"

Example 7
Sending an e-mail using a yahoo mail. They require POP authentication. The yahoo username is "username" and the password is "password".

>clemail -to -from -smtpserver -popserver -popuser username -poppass password -subject "The subject" -body "The body"

Example 8
Encode the email in base 64.

>clemail -encoding base64 -to -subject "The subject" -body "The body"

Example 9
Print the MIME message that CLEMAIL generates.

>clemail -printmime -to -subject "The subject" -body "The body"

Example 10
Use another program to change the MIME message that CLEMAIL generates. The result is printed by using the -printmime flag.

>clemail -hook c:\changemime.exe -printmime -to -subject "The subject" -body "The body"

8. About the preconfigured accounts

The preconfigured accounts for CLEMAIL have been integrated to make it as simple as possible to send email. If you don't specify a sender address, CLEMAIL will use one of the preconfigured accounts. Though it is simple and convenient to use the preconfigured accounts, we recommend that you use one of your own accounts if you use CLEMAIL on a regular basis or send a large amount of e-mails. The purpose of the preconfigured accounts is to get a user going as fast as possible, not to serve all mail traffic.

When you use a preconfigured account, your IP address will be appended to the end of the body. This is not the case if you use your own account.

9. Getting a free email account

Here are a couple of mail service providers:

10. Web site integration

CLEMAIL has not been designed for web site integration. This does not imply that you cannot use it on your web server, but there are a few things that you should be aware of. CLEMAIL trusts the input it gets on the command line! This implies that you have to be very careful what input CLEMAIL gets, so you MUST keep CLEMAIL out of the CGI-BIN directory. Our suggestion is to call CLEMAIL from a script that verifies the correctness of the input.

11. Final words
Thank you for using CLEMAIL. If you have questions or comments, please contact