initevents event sysmessage starting... ; BACKPACK ID nextCPos 500 500 event macro 8 7 wait 2s set %backpackid #contid set %bankid VSQCKMD set %tool VTH set %attack guards! set %orex 403 set %orey 347 set %hp #100 ; hp set %spots 2 set %oredrop 2 set %current_spot 2 set %oresx_co 0 set %gemx_co 0 set %dropcount 1 gosub ore_drop set %loc 0 start: set %cx #CHARPOSX set %cy #CHARPOSY if %loc = 1 { set %loc 0 set %cx %cx + 6 move %cx %cy 1 10s goto edasi } if %loc = 0 { set %loc 1 set %cx %cx - 6 move %cx %cy 1 10s } edasi: for %minex -2 2 { for %miney -2 2 { set %end 0 mine: set %end %end + 1 finditem %tool if #findkind <> 0 { ignoreitem #findid goto mine } set #lobjectid #findid event macro 17 0 target 4s set #ltargetkind 3 set #ltargetx #charposx + %minex set #ltargety #charposy + %miney event macro 22 0 set %duetime #scnt + 20 deletejournal ;--------------------------- ;---------- SCAN ----------- ;--------------------------- scan: chooseSkill mining SetUOTitle Mng: #skill str: #STR %minex %miney if #charghost = yes { execute cmd.exe /c echo >>mininglog.txt #time got killed: #journal HALT ; siia vőib panna ressimise osa } deletejournal if %end > 60 goto loopend if #scnt > %duetime goto loopend if #LTARGETTILE = 1353 goto loopend scanjournal 1 if #JCOLOR <> 946 { wait 5 goto mine } if YOU_PUT_SOME_SAND in #journal goto loopend if TARGET_CANNOT in #journal goto loopend if YOU_PUT_SOME in #journal set %duetime %duetime + 2s if YOU_MINE_SOME in #journal goto mine if YOUR_SKILL_IN in #journal goto mine if YOU_SPOT_SOMETHING_SHINY in #journal goto mine if YOU_LOOSEN_SOME_ROCKS in #journal goto mine if YOU_STOP_MINING in #journal goto loopend if THERE_IS_NO_METAL in #journal goto loopend if YOU_MUST_WAIT_TO_PERFORM_ANOTHER_ACTION in #journal goto mine if THAT_IS_TOO_FAR_AWAY in #journal { wait 1s goto loopend } if YOU_CANNOT_SEE_THAT in #journal { wait 1s goto loopend } if YOU_CANNOT_MINE_THAT in #journal { wait 1s goto loopend } if YOU_FEEL in #journal { msg guards! $ wait 1s goto loopend } if YOU_NOTICE_SOMEONE in #journal { msg Guardszors he tried to snoop me $ wait 1s goto loopend } delteJournal if #scnt > %duetime goto loopend goto scan loopend: } } gosub ore_drop goto start ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------- END OF MAINLOOP --------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------- sub ore_drop gosub unload_ore gosub eat return sub unload_ore msg $ msg bank$ wait 2s if #CONTKIND = OBW && #CONTSIZE = 180_240 contpos 209 3 set %gem_co 0 ignoreItem reset unload_loop2: finditem POF_HVF_MWF_BVF_OVF_VVF_FVF_GVF_VUF_TUF_ENK_FWF_ZVF_NVF_CWF_DVF_LVF_EWF_PVF_GWF_IVF_VZF_QVF_XVF_MVF_RVF_SVF_BWF_UVF_WVF_EVF C if #FINDBAGID = %bankid { ignoreItem #findid goto unload_loop2: } if #findkind <> -1 { set %gemx_co %gemx_co + #findstack set %gem_co %gem_co + #findstack event Drag #findid wait 20 msg $ click 273 143 f wait 1s ignoreItem #findid goto unload_loop2: } wait 1s set %ores_co 0 ignoreItem reset unload_loop: findItem DWJ C if #FINDBAGID = %bankid { ignoreItem #findid goto unload_loop: } if #findkind <> -1 { set %ores_co %ores_co + #findstack set %oresx_co %oresx_co + #findstack event Drag #findid wait 20 msg $ ; iron click 334 147 f wait 1s ignoreItem #findid goto unload_loop } ignoreItem reset click 290 80 r execute cmd.exe /c echo >>mininglog.txt #date #time : unload ore done set %unload %unloadt - #scnt set %unloadt #scnt return sub recall set %_runebookID %1 set %_rune %2 set %odd %2 % 2 set %_page ( %2 + 1 ) / 2 if #CONTKIND = QMZB && #CONTSIZE = 452_236 click 556 225 r set #lobjectid %_runebookID event macro 17 wait 2s if #CONTKIND = QMZB && #CONTSIZE = 452_236 contpos 150 200 click 556 225 f wait 10 click 556 225 f wait 1s if %_page > 1 { for %xa %_page 2 { if #CONTKIND = QMZB && #CONTSIZE = 452_236 contpos 150 200 click 556 225 f wait 2s } } if %odd = 1 { if #CONTKIND = QMZB && #CONTSIZE = 452_236 contpos 150 200 click 289 343 f wait 5s } else { if #CONTKIND = QMZB && #CONTSIZE = 452_236 contpos 150 200 click 448 343 f wait 5s } return sub eat set %eatable_items UWI_TWI_QQD_DWI_HND_YSD finditem %eatable_items C if #Findkind <> -1 { set #lobjectID #FindID event macro 17 0 ; Done. You just eaten something } return sub worldXYZToScreenXY set %1 ( %1 - #charPosX ) * 22 set %2 ( #charPosY - %2 ) * 22 set %_cursorX #cliLeft + #cliXRes / 2 + %1 + %2 set %_cursorY #cliTop + #cliYRes / 2 + %1 - %2 - ( %3 - #charPosZ ) * 4 return