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Camera movement in a 2D? (like angry birds)
The project is a projectile motion using a cannon. It is a
Side scroller ( meant that the view is 2D).
The canon has to be placed on the left corner and fire in a Projectile Fashion.
Expectation :
My main aim is to view the entire scene when enemy is spawned randomly (once per time). Mainly I want the user to have the vision as of where the enemy cube (target) is placed. I would also want a transition to be smooth. Say, could take half a second. Moreover as because the cube is spawned everytime it is instantiated, sometimes the cube might be very near the cannon. If that is the case - I would be happy if the cube retreats back to the original position (something like in the screenshot "game_view"). I was just looking into the documentation and I was thinking whether that would be possible either by alternating the z axis of the camera of it's FOV. But I thought someone who had prior experience in this type of scenario could guide me well. The entire game moves on X-Y Plane. Hence at all cases Z co-ordinates is '0'.
Game View The game view which is the normal position of the camera. Whenever the enemy is within this view I would prefer the camera to remain in this position. I mean I would like to camera to have this position as the least position and move from here to cover the enemy (which spawns only) onto the positive far end of X co-ordinates.
Scene View That cube at the far end is the enemy. It is the target for the enemy.
FOV change This is one of the options I had.
Transform Z co-ordinates Another option I have.
Angry Birds : I would like to have something like this. I think the camera lets the view the entire scene by just zooming out.
Code :
I have ideas in bits and pieces. But for the transition I could use Unity's in build TIME function.
Enemy's Position :
The enemy's position is set to random on one co-ordinate only. I set the position through,
function e_spawn()
pos = projscript.spawn();
var position: Vector3 = Vector3(pos, 1, 0);
Instantiate(ene_pos, position, Quaternion.identity);
The turret's position is always fixed and It is set to Vector3(-0.02,1.05,0)
Request :
I humbly request is could someone help me out. I think I am stuck. If I am helped with some code, I would highly appreciate. I hope I did not feed in too much on information and at the same time provide all the required information.
Thank you very much
Answer by hatzalex · Dec 08, 2011 at 12:53 PM
Hi karsnen,
If I understand correctly all you want to do is zoom in and out. Then I think that just changing the FOV of the camera should be sufficient. As for making it smooth all you need to do is set a startFOV and an endFOV, and let the FOV change over time. Something like this:
var mnCamera : Camera;
var startFOV = 60;
var endFOV = 30;
var changeIncrement = 0.3;
if (mnCamera.fieldOfView >= endFOV)
mnCamera.fieldOfView -= changeIncrement;
if(mnCamera.fieldOfView <= startFOV)
mnCamera.fieldOfView += changeIncrement;
Thanks bud. I will implement it. I guess that is something similar to what I expect.