Question by
DoubleATam · Jan 25, 2016 at 11:36 PM ·
Is there a way to set targetFramerate within the editor?
(Note: I know "targetFrameRate is ignored in the editor", but I also know this refers to code simulation and not the game view.)
Most instructions I see for setting the framerate involve running the line of code "Application.targetFrameRate = 60;" (after also turning the vsync off), but I haven't managed to find where this code should be run. In an empty gameObject attached to the main camera?
But more importantly, is there really no other way to set the framerate, such as, outside of the code, in the project settings? Is there no field for the "default target framerate" that I can edit without the awkward step of having to do it from within the script of the game when it is already running? If there isn't, why is that the case?