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Unity Scene View zooming with scroll-wheel?
I don't understand exactly how the mouse scrollwheel zoom works, in the scene view, in the Unity editor.
It's very frustrating.
For example, I'll start to scroll the mouse wheel up, which results in the camera quickly zooming in. Strangely, the more I scroll, the SLOWER I zoom-in until the zoom speed comes to almost a crawl. Stranger still, if I continue to scroll up, the zoom gets fast again.
I've been using Unity for years, and this problem has been bugging me for just as long.
Can someone please explain what's going on here, and optimally, how to turn this crazy behavior off so the zoom speed is constant?
I run into the same thing sometimes. I think it might have to do with how much stuff you're trying to render. When I'm over a heavily tree- or grass-populated area, scrolling slows way down. Switching to isometric view tends to help. Also, when you double-click on a game object in the hierarchy and keep it focused, the scrolling seems to be fine.
I don't think that's it. It's something that happens regardless of the scene complexity.
I don't think it's a performance thing, as it's not as if the framerate in the editor becomes choppy or anything like that.
Yeah I must have subconsciously found a workaround for it because it hasn't bothered me in a while. The reason I mentioned rendering is that I started noticing it happen again after I Johnny-Appleseeded a portion of my terrain, but that was probably because adding grass had me not focused on anything in the hierarchy. So yeah, I have no idea what causes it, but double clicking a game object before scrolling/panning keeps things moving at the right speed for me.
This problem annoyed me too a few times. Usually, just selecting some item "fixes" it. The question stands, of course.
The fact of the matter isn't you can focus on the object with F is the fact that when you try to move the camera its like its a slingshot you cant really edit any small objects cause as soon as you try to move the view it jumps 500 yards from where you started just from tapping W for a half a second i think what everyone wants to know is where is the setting that controls the speed of the W S A D movements
is that such a difficult question? how do you turn it down from givin'er all shes got to cruising speed
Answer by swansonator · Jan 21, 2017 at 06:50 AM
Ok @ifisch, after having come to this thread many months ago and being frustrated that no one could answer your question, I have the actual answer. We all know that holding down Alt + LMB (left mouse button) allows you to pivot your view around an invisible spot (clicking F before such a move places the pivot origin onto the object you clicked)...Now instead, hold down Alt + RMB and drag your mouse around to witness fine precision zooming (technically you aren't zooming but are rather "pushing in/out or "dollying" if we are using film camera terms). Slow your mouse movement for further precision and never be frustrated again.
I'll take it. I've spent the last couple weeks mouse scrolling with decaying strength. So, far out a scroll counts for a lot but as I get closer and closer it counts less and less meaning I have to do 50 little scrolls at the end. This works much better. Thanks!
To better understand how the sceneview works you may want to use my script which allows you to view the actual pivot point of the sceneview camera. This is the point that the camera actually looks at. At this point Unity will create new objects and will orbit around.
Answer by RandomCharacters · Jan 04, 2015 at 04:36 PM
Take the mode out of perspective by clicking on the gizmo in the scene window then click on the terrain in the hierarchy and the F to focus. Should be back to normal.
not sure why this doesn't have any upvotes or anything, or why i wasn't able to find this simple solution anywhere. thanks a bunch.
Answer by moghes · Jul 10, 2013 at 10:43 AM
You have several options to zoom to an object and using only the wheel I have never though of.
You can select any object in the scene view while navigating and press the 'F' key on the keyboard, and it will zoom towards the selected object, now you can adjust the zoom level by the wheel. But zooming from start to end will cause you a headache.
Also as Quillicit mentioned above, if you want a specific object and know its name, simply double click on it in the heirarchy, it will do the same as the 'F' key.
an additional information: when you want to spin around anything in the scene view, the best way is 2 double Click/select and press 'F' and than spin, since the zoomed object will become the axis.
Thanks for your interest, but that doesn't answer my question.
I'm well aware that there are other methods to zoom.
I'm used to using programs like UD$$anonymous$$, 3dstudio $$anonymous$$ax, and others. All of them allow easy zoo$$anonymous$$g with the scroll wheel / mouse wheel. I'm wondering what is wrong with Unity and if there's a way to fix it.
I have found it seems to be related to the object that is currently focused on. There are other symptoms like different objects being clipped by the scene camera. Am also curious on the correct way to focus, zoom and view an object in the scene view.
The initial sensitivity does indeed change based on what you have selected, but this still doesn't answer the question.
Hopefully someone out there can explain how the scroll wheel is supposed to work.
zoo$$anonymous$$g is so fucking ridicilous when working with terrains, because zoo$$anonymous$$g is relative to how big object is, so it just stops halfway when ur scrooling wheel, its just retarded
Answer by OnyDeus · Jan 28, 2015 at 11:56 PM
Yes I believe this has to do with perspective mode. ISO mode flattens everything in the viewport, and will give a consistent scroll. Perspective mode doesn't know the scale of your terrain or model, and slows down to prevent you from going through it. This is great for looking at details in normal sized objects but I've even had this happen to me in Blender.
I like using perspective for my levels so I made a tool to workaround this problem. Make an empty gameobject called ZoomTool. Inside are 10u Zoom, 25u Zoom,& 50u Zoom, each being a # by # unit flat cube with no renderer.
Move the ZoomTool around together at ground level and hit F(ocus).
It's great to use as a rough ruler to compare the scale of your level terrain to objects too.
Answer by diggerjohn · Dec 17, 2015 at 09:44 PM
My solution was changing my Unit Setup in Max. I moved my Display Unit Scale from Meters to Centimeters. And I moved my System Unit Scale from Meters to Centimeters.
With the new export to FBX and overwrite of my Asset file all is right in my Unity world and I am zooming like it was meant to be.