terrain.AddTreeInstance() does not generate collider
When I use the following code I get random tree instances on my terrain, but the trees do not have colliders. I need them to have colliders (the prefabs have them attached).
* code which creates the tree prototypes
m_treeProtoTypes = new TreePrototype[2];
m_treeProtoTypes[0] = new TreePrototype();
m_treeProtoTypes [0].prefab = m_tree0;
m_treeProtoTypes [1] = new TreePrototype ();
m_treeProtoTypes[1].prefab = m_tree1;
terrain.terrainData.treePrototypes = m_treeProtoTypes;
* looped code to calculate normative coordiantes and pseudo-random locations
TreeInstance temp = new TreeInstance();
temp.position = new Vector3(normX,ht,normZ);
temp.prototypeIndex = Random.Range (0, 2);
temp.widthScale = 1f;
temp.heightScale = 1f;
temp.color = Color.white;
temp.lightmapColor = Color.white;
If I substitute the AddTreeInstance() with Instantiate() code instead I get the colliders, but it is harder to control location because it is not normalized to the terrain. Am I missing something in regard to AddTreeInstance() in order to get the colliders to work?
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