Getting Color Generated from Shader to Script to Shader
I have a custom shader 'A' thats on a material. This custom shader 'A' has a float4 variable named col, and in the fragment function of the shader, I give col a color. In this case lets say I make col = red.
I also have another custom shader 'B' but this time its a post process effect, this post process effect is just a fog effect multiplied by a color. Simple
Now on the script side I get the color from shader 'A', then pass on that color to shader 'B' via SetColor.
Now the roadblock here is that on shader 'A' the only way to my knowledge that you can access that col variable on shader 'A' on the script is if the col variable is on the shader properties. Which sucks because that means that col will be constantly be overwritten by the shader property with a user settable value.
So the question is, is there any possible way to access shader generated color without having to go through the shader properties block?