How to track more than one Image Targets with Vuforia
I sucessfully implemented a AR app with one Image Target. Now I'm struggeling in adding a second Image Target which should bei recognized and tracked on the same position as the other ImageTarget.
I've already added the second Image to the Database and can already choose the new Imagetarget in the Component "Image Target Behaviour". It works well but online for the one ImageTarget which is actually selected. Moreover I've changed the setting of ARCamera "Max Simultaneous Tracked Images" and "Max Simultaneous Tracked Objects" from 1 to 2.
Then I've copied the Component "Image Targeb Beaviour" and selected in the second "Image Targeb Beaviour" Component the second Image Target.
By testing the Configuration with my web cam i can see, that both ImageTargets are recognized (in the Inspector under Transform the Position and Rotation numbers are Changing fast while the Images are in the camera). But the AR ist still just for the first Component activated.
Has anyone an idea how to enable the AR for both Image Targets?
Yours Johannes