how to create a transition on mecanim using unity editor for linux
![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/60976-unity-error.png
hi! i am really new at unity, i know unity for linux is not stable yet, but i don't really know if this behavior is normal :S
I have this worm model i made with blender, it has an animation of walking, and some other two animations... i want to use mecanim on it, anyway, whenever i right click into a state, i can't seem to find the "new transition" option D:
At this point, (i am new to blender and unity), i don't really know if this behavior is caused because i missed something on blender, or on unity, or on the importing (but i doubt so, because i am following this tutorial), or because of unity not being stable enough on linux... can somebody help me? is this a normal behavior? why i can't right click on the states?
Pic related: it's me, right clicking a state on mecanim.
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