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SystemInfo.operatingSystem posible values
Is there any way of knowing how is SystemInfo.operatingSystem parsed? I need to separate OS name from OS version, so if i can at least have an aproximation for most OSs i can use platform specific compilation to parse the different results.
Answer by orb · Sep 10, 2014 at 06:55 PM
This varies greatly by operating system, and there's no full list anywhere in the official documents or in any wiki I've seen. I know that on iOS the result will be something like "iOS 7.1", on OS X it's something like "Mac OS X 10.9.4", and on Windows it's something like "Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601)".
Figuring out the Apple platform version should only be a matter of splitting the numbers part, while on Windows the important part is the build number at the end of the version, inside parentheses, and the actual official name is formed from the first two words. Android is presumably very similar to iOS, but I haven't tested it.
Note that old iOS platforms will be called "iPhone OS x.y", if you intend to support them.
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