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Teaching Myself, Tips?
I'm teaching myself programming through Unity, and I want to use it to develop my own game ideas. I'm finding it a little more trouble than I anticipated to wrap my head around it, and am wondering how best to find a little help; don't get me wrong, I know how annoying it is to say, "Do it for me, I don't want to have to learn!", I'm NOT going to be one of those.
I've found through experience, however, that when having trouble 'learning by the book' (i.e. tutorials) or by winging it, it helps me if I have somebody to explain it to me, and walk me through the logic; it's often what makes it 'click' for me.
Here's and example of the approach I am currently taking; I think, though, before I can start getting pieces/features in I need to get a better idea of the big picture, the thought process of a programmer. I've got several very fleshed out (but little else) game 'concepts' I want to build (I'm a little too paranoid to have somebody else do it... they'd probably do it wrong/steal it... hehe...).
How can I appropriately get the help I need, without being an inconvenience/annoyance to the community? I know there's already a lot of people who want somebody to do it for them/teach them 'everything', just from the few minutes I've browsed around; I'd hate to end up being the newbie who doesn't get how things work.
(So I guess this is more of a 'How to ask for help' question than a 'Help me!' question.)
Thanks! Already learned a lot, and loving it. Super excited.
Edit: Side-note for paragraph #3, last statement - Don't get me wrong here... I love to share my ideas and all, and I'm not one to shun help (heck, that's what I'm here for - asking questions is the best way to learn). I'd just be bummed if somebody tried to make something offa my ideas and ended up totally missing the point. $$anonymous$$eh, I guess I'm kinda a control-freak like that...
Answer by poncho · Jan 06, 2011 at 05:36 PM
there is a great question about the same thing, it have an excellent answer to it cuz it have lots of helpful links and those will make you understand everything
hope it helps
Wow, that is a great little reference for newcomers.
Answer by PrimeDerektive · Jan 06, 2011 at 05:13 PM
Pretty much by using this website, and the forums on unity3d.com. The Unity community is ridiculous active and incredibly generous, to the point where if you have an idea and you want to implement it, someone will point you in the right direction as to how to accomplish it, you simply have to ask.
The Unity3d.com resources are super well done, with a myriad of tutorials that cover everything from the editor GUI, basic scripting for complete beginners, all the way to developing complete games (including multiplayer!). Also, the example projects are excellent for learning by dissection, as they are cleanly coded and clearly commented, for the most part.
And finally, there is the reference manual and scripting reference, which are super exhaustive, very easy to navigate, very well written and easy to understand.
Agreed on all points. Any suggestions on actually finding a mentor-type role though? Because I'm using all of these, plus UnifyCommunity (+IRC Chat), and Unity3dStudent.com's tutorials. Lots of info on the interface, and scripting out there; lots of examples; however, I'm still having trouble understanding the examples when I dissect them, or using the tools to get what I want. Thanks for the reply :)
Unless you have the cash to pay someone to mentor you, I doubt anyone would give up their time to $$anonymous$$ch someone to make games for themself for free. I would stick to the tutorials until you have a firm grasp on scripting and using the editor, and if and when you run into an issue that you don't understand, ask it here and on the forums, and I'm assure you someone will gladly help you out in a short amount of time. Its like crowd-mentoring :)
hrm it doesn't help that I don't know what I'm not getting... But what I'm saying here is that if it was a problem with specific issues, I could easily find the answer by asking, or better figuring it out. There's plenty of tutorials, but they all basically are $$anonymous$$ching the same thing, and somehow miss what I need to start. I just don't know where to start... (sorry if it seems like I'm just being difficult, but I A$$anonymous$$ doing all those stuff, and it's not helping much.)
(in reply to comment 2) I realized that it's unlikely I'd find anybody willing to do that, thus this post. (I think) SO might there be a better arrangement or approach that could give be a better chance of finding someone? As far as I'm concerned, I don't care about the production as much as actually making it, and thus having full creative ownership/control over it. (well, that and the feel-goods from actually making it.) I'm up for most any kind of deal, I just don't have a lot to give to the trade, except maybe credit for helping or something. And that's pretty lame by itself
It sounds like you have an irrational fear of getting your feet wet yourself without somebody holding your hand, telling you your doing it right... just dive in, trust me, you'll be fine. A lot of the people asking questions in the community aren't even old enough to buy a beer, and they learned just fine. If what you really want is someone else to tell you how to do everything, or verify that your ideas and/or code are sound, like I said, use the forums and UnityAnswers. Otherwise, you should probably change the question title to "Need someone to be on call and $$anonymous$$ch me everything".
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