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reference is required to access non-static member `CarController.Update()'
this script gets the player to enter/exit the car. when i'm controlling the player i want the car to stop. how do i do this? the car scripts are called Car.js and CarController.cs
the line CarController.Update.enable = false; i called the CarController script to disable the function update.
what is going wrong?
private var wheelRadius : float = 0.4;
var suspensionRange : float = 0.1;
var suspensionDamper : float = 50;
var suspensionSpringFront : float = 18500;
var suspensionSpringRear : float = 9000;
public var brakeLights : Material;
var dragMultiplier : Vector3 = new Vector3(2, 5, 1);
var throttle : float = 0;
private var steer : float = 0;
private var handbrake : boolean = false;
var centerOfMass : Transform;
var frontWheels : Transform[];
var rearWheels : Transform[];
private var wheels : Wheel[];
wheels = new Wheel[frontWheels.Length + rearWheels.Length];
private var wfc : WheelFrictionCurve;
var topSpeed : float = 160;
var numberOfGears : int = 5;
var maximumTurn : int = 15;
var minimumTurn : int = 10;
var resetTime : float = 5.0;
private var resetTimer : float = 0.0;
private var engineForceValues : float[];
private var gearSpeeds : float[];
private var currentGear : int;
private var currentEnginePower : float = 0.0;
private var handbrakeXDragFactor : float = 0.5;
private var initialDragMultiplierX : float = 10.0;
private var handbrakeTime : float = 0.0;
private var handbrakeTimer : float = 1.0;
private var skidmarks : Skidmarks = null;
private var skidSmoke : ParticleEmitter = null;
var skidmarkTime : float[];
private var sound : SoundController = null;
sound = transform.GetComponent(SoundController);
private var canSteer : boolean;
private var canDrive : boolean;
class Wheel
var collider : WheelCollider;
var wheelGraphic : Transform;
var tireGraphic : Transform;
var driveWheel : boolean = false;
var steerWheel : boolean = false;
var lastSkidmark : int = -1;
var lastEmitPosition : Vector3 = Vector3.zero;
var lastEmitTime : float = Time.time;
var wheelVelo : Vector3 = Vector3.zero;
var groundSpeed : Vector3 = Vector3.zero;
function Start() {
// Measuring 1 - 60
accelerationTimer = Time.time;
topSpeed = Convert_Miles_Per_Hour_To_Meters_Per_Second(topSpeed);
initialDragMultiplierX = dragMultiplier.x;
function Update()
var relativeVelocity : Vector3 = transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidbody.velocity);
function FixedUpdate()
// The rigidbody velocity is always given in world space, but in order to work in local space of the car model we need to transform it first.
var relativeVelocity : Vector3 = transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidbody.velocity);
ApplyThrottle(canDrive, relativeVelocity);
ApplySteering(canSteer, relativeVelocity);
/* Functions called from Start() */
function SetupWheelColliders() {
var wheelCount : int = 0;
for (var t : Transform in frontWheels)
wheels[wheelCount] = SetupWheel(t, true);
for (var t : Transform in rearWheels)
wheels[wheelCount] = SetupWheel(t, false);
function SetupWheelFrictionCurve()
wfc = new WheelFrictionCurve();
wfc.extremumSlip = 1;
wfc.extremumValue = 50;
wfc.asymptoteSlip = 2;
wfc.asymptoteValue = 25;
wfc.stiffness = 1;
function SetupWheel(wheelTransform : Transform, isFrontWheel : boolean
var go : GameObject = new GameObject(wheelTransform.name + " Collider");
go.transform.position = wheelTransform.position;
go.transform.parent = transform;
go.transform.rotation = wheelTransform.rotation;
var wc : WheelCollider = go.AddComponent(typeof(WheelCollider)) as WheelCollider;
wc.suspensionDistance = suspensionRange;
var js : JointSpring = wc.suspensionSpring;
if (isFrontWheel)
js.spring = suspensionSpringFront;
js.spring = suspensionSpringRear;
js.damper = suspensionDamper;
wc.suspensionSpring = js;
wheel = new Wheel();
wheel.collider = wc;
wc.sidewaysFriction = wfc;
wheel.wheelGraphic = wheelTransform;
wheel.tireGraphic = wheelTransform.GetComponentsInChildren(Transform)[1];
wheelRadius = wheel.tireGraphic.renderer.bounds.size.y / 2;
wheel.collider.radius = wheelRadius;
if (isFrontWheel)
wheel.steerWheel = true;
go = new GameObject(wheelTransform.name + " Steer Column");
go.transform.position = wheelTransform.position;
go.transform.rotation = wheelTransform.rotation;
go.transform.parent = transform;
wheelTransform.parent = go.transform;
wheel.driveWheel = true;
return wheel;
function SetupCenterOfMass(
if(centerOfMass != null)
rigidbody.centerOfMass = centerOfMass.localPosition;
function SetupGears()
engineForceValues = new float[numberOfGears];
gearSpeeds = new float[numberOfGears];
var tempTopSpeed : float = topSpeed;
for(var i = 0; i < numberOfGears; i++)
if(i > 0)
gearSpeeds[i] = tempTopSpeed / 4 + gearSpeeds[i-1];
gearSpeeds[i] = tempTopSpeed / 4;
tempTopSpeed -= tempTopSpeed / 4;
var engineFactor : float = topSpeed / gearSpeeds[gearSpeeds.Length - 1];
for(i = 0; i < numberOfGears; i++)
var maxLinearDrag : float = gearSpeeds[i] * gearSpeeds[i];// * dragMultiplier.z;
engineForceValues[i] = maxLinearDrag * engineFactor;
function SetUpSkidmarks()
skidmarks = FindObjectOfType(Skidmarks);
skidSmoke = skidmarks.GetComponentInChildren(ParticleEmitter);
Debug.Log("No skidmarks object found. Skidmarks will not be drawn");
skidmarkTime = new float[4];
for (var f : float in skidmarkTime)
f = 0.0;
/* Functions called from Update() */
function GetInput()
throttle = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
steer = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
if(throttle < 0.0)
brakeLights.SetFloat("_Intensity", Mathf.Abs(throttle));
brakeLights.SetFloat("_Intensity", 0.0);
function CheckHandbrake()
handbrake = true;
handbrakeTime = Time.time;
dragMultiplier.x = initialDragMultiplierX * handbrakeXDragFactor;
else if(handbrake)
handbrake = false;
StartCoroutine(StopHandbraking(Mathf.Min(5, Time.time - handbrakeTime)));
function StopHandbraking(seconds : float)
var diff : float = initialDragMultiplierX - dragMultiplier.x;
handbrakeTimer = 1;
// Get the x value of the dragMultiplier back to its initial value in the specified time.
while(dragMultiplier.x < initialDragMultiplierX && !handbrake)
dragMultiplier.x += diff * (Time.deltaTime / seconds);
handbrakeTimer -= Time.deltaTime / seconds;
dragMultiplier.x = initialDragMultiplierX;
handbrakeTimer = 0;
function Check_If_Car_Is_Flipped()
if(transform.localEulerAngles.z > 80 && transform.localEulerAngles.z < 280)
resetTimer += Time.deltaTime;
resetTimer = 0;
if(resetTimer > resetTime)
function FlipCar()
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.forward);
transform.position += Vector3.up * 0.5;
rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
resetTimer = 0;
currentEnginePower = 0;
var wheelCount : float;
function UpdateWheelGraphics(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
wheelCount = -1;
for(var w : Wheel in wheels) {
var wheel : WheelCollider = w.collider;
var wh : WheelHit = new WheelHit();
// First we get the velocity at the point where the wheel meets the ground, if the wheel is touching the ground
w.wheelGraphic.localPosition = wheel.transform.up * (wheelRadius + wheel.transform.InverseTransformPoint(wh.point).y);
w.wheelVelo = rigidbody.GetPointVelocity(wh.point);
w.groundSpeed = w.wheelGraphic.InverseTransformDirection(w.wheelVelo);
// Code to handle skidmark drawing. Not covered in the tutorial
if(skidmarkTime[wheelCount] < 0.02 && w.lastSkidmark != -1) { skidmarkTime[wheelCount] += Time.deltaTime; } else { var dt : float = skidmarkTime[wheelCount] == 0.0 ? Time.deltaTime : skidmarkTime[wheelCount]; skidmarkTime[wheelCount] = 0.0; var handbrakeSkidding : float = handbrake && w.driveWheel ? w.wheelVelo.magnitude 0.3 : 0; var skidGroundSpeed = Mathf.Abs(w.groundSpeed.x) - 15; if(skidGroundSpeed > 0 || handbrakeSkidding > 0) { var staticVel : Vector3 = transform.TransformDirection(skidSmoke.localVelocity) + skidSmoke.worldVelocity;
if(w.lastSkidmark != -1)
var emission : float = UnityEngine.Random.Range(skidSmoke.minEmission, skidSmoke.maxEmission);
var lastParticleCount : float = w.lastEmitTime emission;
var currentParticleCount : float = Time.time emission;
var noOfParticles : int = Mathf.CeilToInt(currentParticleCount) - Mathf.CeilToInt(lastParticleCount);
var lastParticle : int = Mathf.CeilToInt(lastParticleCount);
for(var i = 0; i <= noOfParticles; i++)
var particleTime : float = Mathf.InverseLerp(lastParticleCount, currentParticleCount, lastParticle + i);
skidSmoke.Emit( Vector3.Lerp(w.lastEmitPosition, wh.point, particleTime) + new Vector3(Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1), Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1), Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1)), staticVel + (w.wheelVelo 0.05), Random.Range(skidSmoke.minSize, skidSmoke.maxSize) Mathf.Clamp(skidGroundSpeed 0.1,0.5,1), Random.Range(skidSmoke.minEnergy, skidSmoke.maxEnergy), Color.white);
skidSmoke.Emit( wh.point + new Vector3(Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1), Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1), Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1)), staticVel + (w.wheelVelo * 0.05), Random.Range(skidSmoke.minSize, skidSmoke.maxSize) * Mathf.Clamp(skidGroundSpeed * 0.1,0.5,1), Random.Range(skidSmoke.minEnergy, skidSmoke.maxEnergy), Color.white);
w.lastEmitPosition = wh.point;
w.lastEmitTime = Time.time;
w.lastSkidmark = skidmarks.AddSkidMark(wh.point + rigidbody.velocity * dt, wh.normal, (skidGroundSpeed * 0.1 + handbrakeSkidding) * Mathf.Clamp01(wh.force / wheel.suspensionSpring.spring), w.lastSkidmark);
sound.Skid(true, Mathf.Clamp01(skidGroundSpeed * 0.1));
w.lastSkidmark = -1;
sound.Skid(false, 0);
// If the wheel is not touching the ground we set the position of the wheel graphics to
// the wheel's transform position + the range of the suspension.
w.wheelGraphic.position = wheel.transform.position + (-wheel.transform.up * suspensionRange);
w.wheelVelo *= 0.9;
w.wheelVelo *= 0.9 * (1 - throttle);
w.lastSkidmark = -1;
sound.Skid(false, 0);
// If the wheel is a steer wheel we apply two rotations:
// *Rotation around the Steer Column (visualizes the steer direction)
// *Rotation that visualizes the speed
var ea : Vector3 = w.wheelGraphic.parent.localEulerAngles;
ea.y = steer * maximumTurn;
w.wheelGraphic.parent.localEulerAngles = ea;
w.tireGraphic.Rotate(Vector3.right * (w.groundSpeed.z / wheelRadius) * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
else if(!handbrake && w.driveWheel)
// If the wheel is a drive wheel it only gets the rotation that visualizes speed.
// If we are hand braking we don't rotate it.
w.tireGraphic.Rotate(Vector3.right * (w.groundSpeed.z / wheelRadius) * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
function UpdateGear(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
currentGear = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < numberOfGears - 1; i++)
if(relativeVelocity.z > gearSpeeds[i])
currentGear = i + 1;
/* Functions called from FixedUpdate() */
function UpdateDrag(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
var relativeDrag : Vector3 = new Vector3( -relativeVelocity.x * Mathf.Abs(relativeVelocity.x),
-relativeVelocity.y * Mathf.Abs(relativeVelocity.y),
-relativeVelocity.z * Mathf.Abs(relativeVelocity.z) );
var drag = Vector3.Scale(dragMultiplier, relativeDrag);
if(initialDragMultiplierX > dragMultiplier.x) // Handbrake code
drag.x /= (relativeVelocity.magnitude / (topSpeed / ( 1 + 2 * handbrakeXDragFactor ) ) );
drag.z *= (1 + Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rigidbody.velocity.normalized, transform.forward)));
drag += rigidbody.velocity * Mathf.Clamp01(rigidbody.velocity.magnitude / topSpeed);
else // No handbrake
drag.x *= topSpeed / relativeVelocity.magnitude;
if(Mathf.Abs(relativeVelocity.x) < 5 && !handbrake)
drag.x = -relativeVelocity.x * dragMultiplier.x;
rigidbody.AddForce(transform.TransformDirection(drag) * rigidbody.mass * Time.deltaTime);
function UpdateFriction(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
var sqrVel : float = relativeVelocity.x * relativeVelocity.x;
// Add extra sideways friction based on the car's turning velocity to avoid slipping
wfc.extremumValue = Mathf.Clamp(300 - sqrVel, 0, 300);
wfc.asymptoteValue = Mathf.Clamp(150 - (sqrVel / 2), 0, 150);
for(var w : Wheel in wheels)
w.collider.sidewaysFriction = wfc;
w.collider.forwardFriction = wfc;
function CalculateEnginePower(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
if(throttle == 0)
currentEnginePower -= Time.deltaTime * 200;
else if( HaveTheSameSign(relativeVelocity.z, throttle) )
normPower = (currentEnginePower / engineForceValues[engineForceValues.Length - 1]) * 2;
currentEnginePower += Time.deltaTime * 200 * EvaluateNormPower(normPower);
currentEnginePower -= Time.deltaTime * 300;
if(currentGear == 0)
currentEnginePower = Mathf.Clamp(currentEnginePower, 0, engineForceValues[0]);
currentEnginePower = Mathf.Clamp(currentEnginePower, engineForceValues[currentGear - 1], engineForceValues[currentGear]);
function CalculateState()
canDrive = false;
canSteer = false;
for(var w : Wheel in wheels)
canSteer = true;
canDrive = true;
function ApplyThrottle(canDrive : boolean, relativeVelocity : Vector3)
var throttleForce : float = 0;
var brakeForce : float = 0;
if (HaveTheSameSign(relativeVelocity.z, throttle))
if (!handbrake)
throttleForce = Mathf.Sign(throttle) * currentEnginePower * rigidbody.mass;
brakeForce = Mathf.Sign(throttle) * engineForceValues[0] * rigidbody.mass;
rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * (throttleForce + brakeForce));
function ApplySteering(canSteer : boolean, relativeVelocity : Vector3)
var turnRadius : float = 3.0 / Mathf.Sin((90 - (steer * 30)) * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
var minMaxTurn : float = EvaluateSpeedToTurn(rigidbody.velocity.magnitude);
var turnSpeed : float = Mathf.Clamp(relativeVelocity.z / turnRadius, -minMaxTurn / 10, minMaxTurn / 10);
transform.RotateAround( transform.position + transform.right * turnRadius * steer,
turnSpeed * Mathf.Rad2Deg * Time.deltaTime * steer);
var debugStartPoint = transform.position + transform.right * turnRadius * steer;
var debugEndPoint = debugStartPoint + Vector3.up * 5;
Debug.DrawLine(debugStartPoint, debugEndPoint, Color.red);
if(initialDragMultiplierX > dragMultiplier.x) // Handbrake
var rotationDirection : float = Mathf.Sign(steer); // rotationDirection is -1 or 1 by default, depending on steering
if(steer == 0)
if(rigidbody.angularVelocity.y < 1) // If we are not steering and we are handbraking and not rotating fast, we apply a random rotationDirection
rotationDirection = Random.Range(-1.0, 1.0);
rotationDirection = rigidbody.angularVelocity.y; // If we are rotating fast we are applying that rotation to the car
// -- Finally we apply this rotation around a point between the cars front wheels.
transform.RotateAround( transform.TransformPoint( ( frontWheels[0].localPosition + frontWheels[1].localPosition) * 0.5),
rigidbody.velocity.magnitude * Mathf.Clamp01(1 - rigidbody.velocity.magnitude / topSpeed) * rotationDirection * Time.deltaTime * 2);
/* Utility Functions */
function Convert_Miles_Per_Hour_To_Meters_Per_Second(value : float) : float
return value * 0.44704;
function Convert_Meters_Per_Second_To_Miles_Per_Hour(value : float) : float
return value * 2.23693629;
function HaveTheSameSign(first : float, second : float) : boolean
if (Mathf.Sign(first) == Mathf.Sign(second))
return true;
return false;
function EvaluateSpeedToTurn(speed : float)
if(speed > topSpeed / 2)
return minimumTurn;
var speedIndex : float = 1 - (speed / (topSpeed / 2));
return minimumTurn + speedIndex * (maximumTurn - minimumTurn);
function EvaluateNormPower(normPower : float)
if(normPower < 1)
return 10 - normPower * 9;
return 1.9 - normPower * 0.9;
function GetGearState()
var relativeVelocity : Vector3 = transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidbody.velocity);
var lowLimit : float = (currentGear == 0 ? 0 : gearSpeeds[currentGear-1]);
return (relativeVelocity.z - lowLimit) / (gearSpeeds[currentGear - lowLimit]) * (1 - currentGear * 0.1) + currentGear * 0.1;
this is the CarController.cs:
// current input state
float brake;
float throttle;
float throttleInput;
float steering;
float lastShiftTime = -1;
float handbrake;
// cached Drivetrain reference
Drivetrain drivetrain;
// How long the car takes to shift gears
public float shiftSpeed = 0.8f;
// These values determine how fast throttle value is changed when the accelerate keys are pressed or released.
// Getting these right is important to make the car controllable, as keyboard input does not allow analogue input.
// There are different values for when the wheels have full traction and when there are spinning, to implement
// traction control schemes.
// How long it takes to fully engage the throttle
public float throttleTime = 1.0f;
// How long it takes to fully engage the throttle
// when the wheels are spinning (and traction control is disabled)
public float throttleTimeTraction = 10.0f;
// How long it takes to fully release the throttle
public float throttleReleaseTime = 0.5f;
// How long it takes to fully release the throttle
// when the wheels are spinning.
public float throttleReleaseTimeTraction = 0.1f;
// Turn traction control on or off
public bool tractionControl = true;
// These values determine how fast steering value is changed when the steering keys are pressed or released.
// Getting these right is important to make the car controllable, as keyboard input does not allow analogue input.
// How long it takes to fully turn the steering wheel from center to full lock
public float steerTime = 1.2f;
// This is added to steerTime per m/s of velocity, so steering is slower when the car is moving faster.
public float veloSteerTime = 0.1f;
// How long it takes to fully turn the steering wheel from full lock to center
public float steerReleaseTime = 0.6f;
// This is added to steerReleaseTime per m/s of velocity, so steering is slower when the car is moving faster.
public float veloSteerReleaseTime = 0f;
// When detecting a situation where the player tries to counter steer to correct an oversteer situation,
// steering speed will be multiplied by the difference between optimal and current steering times this
// factor, to make the correction easier.
public float steerCorrectionFactor = 4.0f;
// Used by SoundController to get average slip velo of all wheels for skid sounds.
public float slipVelo {
get {
float val = 0.0f;
foreach(Wheel w in wheels)
val += w.slipVelo / wheels.Length;
return val;
// Initialize
void Start ()
if (centerOfMass != null)
rigidbody.centerOfMass = centerOfMass.localPosition;
rigidbody.inertiaTensor *= inertiaFactor;
drivetrain = GetComponent (typeof (Drivetrain)) as Drivetrain;
void Update ()
// Steering
Vector3 carDir = transform.forward;
float fVelo = rigidbody.velocity.magnitude;
Vector3 veloDir = rigidbody.velocity * (1/fVelo);
float angle = -Mathf.Asin(Mathf.Clamp( Vector3.Cross(veloDir, carDir).y, -1, 1));
float optimalSteering = angle / (wheels[0].maxSteeringAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
if (fVelo < 1)
optimalSteering = 0;
float steerInput = 0;
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.LeftArrow))
steerInput = -1;
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.RightArrow))
steerInput = 1;
if (steerInput < steering)
float steerSpeed = (steering>0)?(1/(steerReleaseTime+veloSteerReleaseTime*fVelo)) :(1/(steerTime+veloSteerTime*fVelo));
if (steering > optimalSteering)
steerSpeed *= 1 + (steering-optimalSteering) * steerCorrectionFactor;
steering -= steerSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
if (steerInput > steering)
steering = steerInput;
else if (steerInput > steering)
float steerSpeed = (steering<0)?(1/(steerReleaseTime+veloSteerReleaseTime*fVelo)) :(1/(steerTime+veloSteerTime*fVelo));
if (steering < optimalSteering)
steerSpeed *= 1 + (optimalSteering-steering) * steerCorrectionFactor;
steering += steerSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
if (steerInput < steering)
steering = steerInput;
// Throttle/Brake
bool accelKey = Input.GetKey (KeyCode.UpArrow);
bool brakeKey = Input.GetKey (KeyCode.DownArrow);
if (drivetrain.automatic && drivetrain.gear == 0)
accelKey = Input.GetKey (KeyCode.DownArrow);
brakeKey = Input.GetKey (KeyCode.UpArrow);
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.LeftShift))
throttle += Time.deltaTime / throttleTime;
throttleInput += Time.deltaTime / throttleTime;
else if (accelKey)
if (drivetrain.slipRatio < 0.10f)
throttle += Time.deltaTime / throttleTime;
else if (!tractionControl)
throttle += Time.deltaTime / throttleTimeTraction;
throttle -= Time.deltaTime / throttleReleaseTime;
if (throttleInput < 0)
throttleInput = 0;
throttleInput += Time.deltaTime / throttleTime;
brake = 0;
if (drivetrain.slipRatio < 0.2f)
throttle -= Time.deltaTime / throttleReleaseTime;
throttle -= Time.deltaTime / throttleReleaseTimeTraction;
throttle = Mathf.Clamp01 (throttle);
if (brakeKey)
if (drivetrain.slipRatio < 0.2f)
brake += Time.deltaTime / throttleTime;
brake += Time.deltaTime / throttleTimeTraction;
throttle = 0;
throttleInput -= Time.deltaTime / throttleTime;
if (drivetrain.slipRatio < 0.2f)
brake -= Time.deltaTime / throttleReleaseTime;
brake -= Time.deltaTime / throttleReleaseTimeTraction;
brake = Mathf.Clamp01 (brake);
throttleInput = Mathf.Clamp (throttleInput, -1, 1);
// Handbrake
handbrake = Mathf.Clamp01 ( handbrake + (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.Space)? Time.deltaTime: -Time.deltaTime) );
// Gear shifting
float shiftThrottleFactor = Mathf.Clamp01((Time.time - lastShiftTime)/shiftSpeed);
drivetrain.throttle = throttle * shiftThrottleFactor;
drivetrain.throttleInput = throttleInput;
lastShiftTime = Time.time;
drivetrain.ShiftUp ();
lastShiftTime = Time.time;
drivetrain.ShiftDown ();
// Apply inputs
foreach(Wheel w in wheels)
w.brake = brake;
w.handbrake = handbrake;
w.steering = steering;
// Debug GUI. Disable when not needed.
void OnGUI ()
GUI.Label (new Rect(0,60,100,200),"km/h: "+rigidbody.velocity.magnitude * 3.6f);
tractionControl = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(0,80,300,20), tractionControl, "Traction Control (bypassed by shift key)");
} }
this is the script i am trying to edit so the car will not move, while the player controls the character: public class ChangeCameraMoreSimple : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject carCamera; public GameObject playerCamera; public GameObject Car; public GameObject Player; public GameObject SpawnPoint; public CarController other; // Use this for initialization void Start () {
} // Update is called once per frame void Update () { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) { carCamera.active = true; playerCamera.active = false; Player.active = false; Car.active = true; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.R)) { playerCamera.active = true; carCamera.active = false; Player.active = true; Car.active = true; Player.transform.position = SpawnPoint.transform.position + SpawnPoint.transform.right * 5; CarController.Update.enable = false; } } }
Take some time to cleanup all the white space in your code. It is very difficult to read which will greatly reduce the number of people willing to look at your question.
The amount of scrolling you have to do to go through the whole code is so much intimidating that most people will not even bother to answer it. You have to be precise in your approach to ask questions. At least mention the line number range or the method that you think could be a problem. Also may be put some comments in the code to inform people what is going on in the code.
Answer by aldonaletto · May 10, 2013 at 06:10 AM
Dude, you should edit your question and remove all the unnecessary stuff, what in this case means everything but the last script!
About your problem: you must disable the whole script, not the function Update, and use the variable other to reference the script (CarController is the "script type", not an actual script instance):
other.enable = false;
Disabling a script actually makes Unity stop calling Update, FixedUpdate and LateUpdate. If you really need to stop Update, it's better to create a boolean variable and use it to abort the function Update (in CarController):
public bool enableUpdate = true;
void Update(){
if (!enableUpdate) return; // abort Update if not enabled
Control Update by setting the variable enableUpdate:
other.enableUpdate = false; // disable function Update