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Apply Perlin Noise to a Sphere
Straightforward. How would one apply perlin noise algorithm to a sphere? I was thinking of creating a plane with perilin noise affecting it and folding it in a sphere but I don't believe this is the most optimal way to do this. Anyways, give it a go. Thanks in advanced!
Answer by MartinCA · Dec 07, 2014 at 02:09 AM
I remember reading a blog article along those general line. Sadly, I don't remember where it was, so I can't direct you to it :(
That said, the general idea was to generate the data as a cube map, project it onto a cube and tessellate it into a sphere. You could visualize that using hardware tessellation, or better yet, generate the mesh yourself (assuming you want to use that data for more than just rendering).
Found this site which covers it pretty nicely: http://iquilezles.org/www/articles/patchedsphere/patchedsphere.htm