Access subclass through base
I'm trying to access a method within a gameobjects script without knowing the scripts name. What I do know is that the scripts base is an abstract class "entityScript" which it inherents a few things like health and damagedealt.
With the following code I am able to get the first Vector3 out of an array "MovePattern" that has been assigned by my "unknown" script
GameObject mover = movers [pos];
var scriptEnemy = mover.GetComponent<entityScript> ();
targetpositions [pos] = mover.transform.position + 32f * scriptEnemy.MovePattern[0];
The abstract base class
public abstract class entityScript : MonoBehaviour {
public int health;
public int damageDealt;
public Vector3[] Movepattern = new Vector3[5];
} }
And one example of the subclass that I want to find and use methods from without knowing the name.
public class simpleEnemy : entityScript {
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
health = 10;
damageDealt = 1;
//Movepattern = new Vector3[]{Vector3.down, Vector3.down, Vector3.left, Vector3.right, Vector3.up};
public Vector3[] getMovePattern() {
Movepattern = new Vector3[]{Vector3.down, Vector3.down, Vector3.left, Vector3.right, Vector3.up};
return Movepattern;
Note that in this scenario the method I want to access is "getMovePattern" which will be the same name in every other subclass, but with different contents. So to summarize in once question, how do I access the methods in subclasses through the base class?
Answer by Zodiarc · Nov 04, 2016 at 12:19 PM
What you are trying to do is impossible by design and is against oop-programming rules. If you need to access a method from a subclas in its superclass that means that your overall design is flawed. Try the composition over inheritance principle
Or in your special case you could use the Template Method Pattern.
Short example:
public abstract class Entity : MonoBehaviour {
public Vector3[] getMovePattern() {
return this.getSpecialMovePattern();
protected abstract Vector3[] getSpecialMovePattern();
public class Enemy : Entity {
protected override Vector3[] getSpecialMovePattern() {
return new Vector3[]{Vector3.up, Vector3.down};
Thank you, I used your second alternative and it works just as I wanted it to now.
It may be against OOP rules (that's subjective,) but it's common to check for a subclass: Enemy e1 = someEntity as Enemy; if(e1!=null)
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