Character model shrinking when animation plays?
Hey all,
I have for my university project just to simply model a character, and make two animations for it. I've done that, and linked it all up in Unity.
However, when I click the play button (which then obviously starts the animation), the model just completely shrinks to like a hundred times smaller than it's initial size.
I have the button linked up to the character, and then the animator on the character, which is linked onto the Play(string) option, and then I've typed in the name of the animation. Furthermore I've set up the animation on a Animator Controller so that it only plays once the button is clicked.
Apologies if I'm missing any other details, any bit of help would be appreciated.
EDIT: So it seems the issue when I play the animation, it scales down to the size that I imported the model into Unity with. Anyone know how to prevent this?