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UnitySteer, ground and stairways
Hello guys,
I'm a new user of UnitySteer and having some troubles.
There is a group of agents (as capsules) that follow a path (calculated with A* pathfinding) on a cubic ground (they simulate humans). It could be notable that they have a rigidbody with only IsKinematic on true.
Whether SteerForNeighborGroup, SteerForSeparation and SteerForSphericalObstacles is added to the agents, they'll start to move in a very strange way, in fact trying to avoid themselves and other obstacles in the scene, some of them will fly in the air, while others will follow the path under the ground (forgetting the collider of cube). Also if the agents have to follow a path along stairs, they won't collide with mesh collider but they'll slides. So my questions are:
Is it possible to use UnitySteer in this kind of scenario? I think it is more suitable for open space, not for this binding environment.
Is steer force "stronger" than colliders such for the ground and stairs?
If possible, how can I change this behavior?