Instantiating a room onto a NavMesh during runtime - Walls are carving, but floors are not walkable.
Okay, so I'm working on a building system, where you click next to rooms to spawn rooms, and can interchange the walls with a menu, etc so forth.
I have a "core room" which the others are built from. The navmesh bakes properly around this room - the walls carve, the outside is walkable to the inside through the door. But when a the room is extended, i.e., other "room" prefabs are instantiated as children of it - the navmesh is carved out during runtime by these walls but the floor does not become walkable like the floor in the first room, even though their nav settings are the same.
This shows with screenshots what I am talking about:
Any help is appreciated. I'd very much like for the walkable floor to "fill in" to the adjacent floors. Can't seem to figure it out. It is possible though, right? Not chasing a dragon here?