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Coin system
Hello guys, I am planning for a coin system in my unity game where the player collects them while playing and can purchase them as well. I want to connect the game data to facebook so I have made a fb login & next how do I save the data of the coins collected and purchased when player logs in through FB so that player can retrive all the coins when ever logs back with social account? Can somebody guide me?
Answer by sacredgeometry · Mar 06 at 01:22 PM
Facebook apps (as far as I know) don't do any of that side of things. They are just a method of hosting, authenticating and integrating with facebook.
All you app specific game storage needs to be dealt with yourself. If you want to store data somewhere you need
First to have somewhere to put it, probably a database somewhere.
Then you have to have some way for your game to securely communicate to your database, probably some sort of API which will need to also be hosted somewhere
Then you need to write the client side code for talking with you api
That side of things has little to nothing to do with the facebook integration, they are completely separate problems
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